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A Perfect Union

By Sadhguru Email By Sadhguru
January 2017
A Perfect Union

In the very nature of things, life can never get perfect—there is always room for improvement. But the geometrical alignment behind creation is in a certain state of perfection. Only because of this perfect geometrical alignment, life flourishes the way it does. If you look at human life, how fragile it is, and at the same time, how sturdy—how much a human being can do. This is because the geometrical design behind the creative process is so perfect.

There is a whole science today that examines the geometry behind the atomic and molecular structure of every form. In their fundamental essence, the geometry of all forms, from the atomic to the cosmic, is absolutely the same, and it is such a perfect design that life is so gentle, so fragile, but at the same time so firm and so beautiful.

The pursuit of manifesting this fundamental perfection of geometry in one’s life led to a phenomenally complex and sophisticated system of yoga. The yogic system is all about how to get your whole system—the physical body, mental structure, emotional framework, karmic structure, and the fundamental energy basis— into perfect geometrical symmetry, so that you can achieve union with the cosmic nature.

A little over 15,000 years ago, Adiyogi Shiva attained this state of perfection. He became so absolutely still that onlookers could not make out whether he was truly alive. The only signs of life were tears of ecstasy running down his cheeks. From this state of absolute stillness, Adiyogi would suddenly spring into a dance of ecstasy. This tandava demonstrated that the perfect geometry that he achieved within himself is not a restraint—he need not sit in one place. He can dance wildly, in absolute abandon, and still not lose this perfect state of alignment within himself and with the larger cosmic nature.

A state of yoga does not mean standing on one’s head, or on one leg instead of two. Yoga means being in a state of union. When an individual, who is otherwise trapped within the boundaries of his own body and sensations, achieves a kind of perfection within himself, where in his experience, he has become one with everything, then he is in a state of yoga. This is a possibility that every human being carries as a seed within himself or herself. If you are willing to strive, you can experience the whole cosmos within yourself.

This perfection of geometry can be attained in many different ways. Through intellect, through emotion, through energy, through sheer perfection of action, and above all through devotion— all these are tools to come to a state of abandon. Only when you abandon your personality, which is a pile of karmic impressions, you are in a state of union with the rest of the cosmos.

A human being experiences even just an incremental sense of perfection only in some state of union. If this longing for union finds physical expression, it gets termed as sexuality. If it finds emotional expression, it is called love or compassion. If it finds expression through one’s mental framework, it gets termed as success, conquest, or, these days, shopping. But if it finds an enduring expression of one’s being, it is called yoga.

There is always a longing for union. Whether someone is running after wealth, money, conquest, success, pleasure, or intoxication, it is just out of a longing for union. For ages, people have attempted to come to a state of union through these ways, but it has never really worked for anyone. Yoga is not against anything except inefficiency. Having been on the top of the pile of evolution on this planet, we as human beings are expected to function a little more intelligently and competently. I want all of you to take this vow within yourself, that we as a generation will do things in an enduring way. If we achieve union, we achieve union in an enduring way. This is something that all of you have to take deep into your hearts and minds.


Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, Sadhguru speaks before millions annually around the globe, including to prominent leadership forums such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, TED, and the World Peace Congress. From groundbreaking yoga programs to projects for rural communities and the environment, Sadhguru’s Isha Foundation (www.IshaFoundation.org) serves as a thriving model for human empowerment, which is reflected in the Foundation’s special consultative status with the UN.


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