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Letters from Readers

December 2011
Article shows how communities change

This is in response to “People, Brick, Click” by Sujatha Ramprasad (October issue). I very much enjoyed Sujatha’s article that delicately recalled life moments in motion during the evolution of her Chennai neighborhood. From mom-and-pop stores and the intermingling of personal with commercial relationships to big box stores and on to the internet we’re reminded about what has gone and how our sense of community continues to change.

I wonder if our progeny will look back on our current “neural communities” with a similar nostalgia and how their experiences will be conveyed in the Khabar of the future.

Emil Walcek
by e-mail


Blood donors don’t get paid, so why are patients charged?

This letter is in response to an Around Town article on blood donation in the November issue.

Americans like to show off their passion for charity—whether it is through church donations or through
community projects. Every now and then Americans all over the country organize blood donation drives and people line up without giving much thought, only for the reason that it makes them feel good. Recently, as noted in Khabar, Muslims in America held one such blood drive to honor 9/11 victims.

Though donating blood is a noble deed and donors are not paid for it, our blood fetches $100-1200 per pint at hospitals. The officers at Red Cross draw millions of dollars in salaries at our expense! Why don’t these people extend our charitable work and compensate donors or give blood to patients without charge? Even paramedics and ambulatory services now cost a lot, which used to be free in the past. This is the reason many people get turned off by charities.

Arun Patel
Lilburn, Georgia


Rediscovering spirituality

It is very gratifying to see second-generation Indian-Americans following the path of spirituality in their daily life (“Young and Spiritual,” November issue). At least some of us of the first generation have to “rediscover” the spirituality in our religion in this country. After some years of living in this country, many of us feel we are missing something in life, and ask ourselves the question, ‘Is this all there is to human life?’ This question led to the founding of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam (www.arshavidya.org). Through the teachings of the Bhagvad Gita and the Upanishad we discovered a new meaning to human life and its true goal.

I read your November cover story with great interest and was happy to see that the second generation is discovering the true meaning of life.

Online Comment


A regular dose of Hinglish!

If you’re a regular watcher of Bollywood films on DVDs, you’re sure to come across some funny English translations of Hindi dialogue in the subtitles on your screen. Sometimes, even the Hindi dialogue is a hilarious concoction of Indian English. Fans will recognize these examples of Hinglish:

(1) Tension mat lena, aaram se jaana.

(2) Don’t eat my head.

(3) I don’t want to be a burden on your shoulder.

(4) There is a thief hidden in the heart.

(5) Thirsty eyes are seeking you.

(6) Police is in his fist.

(7) We love you hamesha and forever.

(8) Whenever I see you I get wounded.

(9) Rats are running in my stomach.

(10) Mera to band baj gaya.

(11) Main pyar mein set ho gaya.

(12) Mausam ye awesome bada.

Nisha Bhatt

by email


What’s on YOUR mind?

We welcome original, unpublished letters from our readers. You could either respond to a specific article in Khabar or write about issues relevant to our community. Letters may be edited for length and other considerations. Longer submissions by readers may be considered for the “My Turn” column.

Email: letters@khabar.com • Fax: (770) 234-6115.

Mail: Khabar, Inc. 3790 Holcomb Bridge Rd. Suite 101, Norcross, GA 30092.

Note: Views expressed in the Letters section do not necessarily represent those of the publication.

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