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Letters from Readers

January 2025
Letters from Readers

The Way Forward for Democrats

I am a Democrat not because I agree with everything the party stands for but because my values align more with the core values of the Democratic Party—accepting diversity of people and ideology, creating equal opportunities, striving for basic human rights and dignity, improving access to healthcare, promoting sciencebased policies, curbing gun violence, and advocating for reproductive choices.

A ruthless introspection is the need of the times for Democrats if there is to be any hope for foiling the dangerous power consolidation of Trump and his Republican enablers. We need to acknowledge that just like the extremism on the far right, the activism on the far left is seen as idiocy by centrists. This results in the alienation of many Americans, including those who may sympathize with the core principles and values of the Democratic Party. Arguably, some of it is misrepresentation and propaganda by Republicans of Democrats’ positions on some issues.

In this aspect of messaging that resonates with most Americans, there’s a lot we need to learn from the Republicans. On the issue of abortion, their slogan of “pro-life” is very enticing—when, in fact, there’s nothing pro-life in their policies. Their concern for life seems to end at birth. Their position is better categorized as “antiabortion,” but they cleverly usurped the “pro-life” message. It’s catchy and is close to the heart. Unfortunately, on the Democratic side, we couldn’t shed labels like favoring “open borders” and “defund the police” that frighten most Americans. “Tax and spend” is another such slogan that hangs like an albatross on Democrats.

Republicans have mastered the art of portraying well-meaning but ill-conceived Democratic activism as radical, dangerous, and unpatriotic—while at the same time wrapping everything they say and do in the flag.
It is tragic that the party headed towards autocracy has usurped the badge of patriotism. Democratic leaders and activists must strive to shed the image that our policies lack fiscal discipline, pander to minorities, and are lenient on illegal immigration and weak on law and order. The principles, policies, message and messaging must not only be congruent but also touch the hearts and minds of the people.

In 2010, President Obama declared he got “shellacked” after Democrats lost a majority in the House of Representatives and said, “Sometimes we lose track of the ways that we connected with folks that got us here in the first place.” The current political situation is more dire, and this is another opportunity to critically analyze the issues and make necessary course corrections. Let us hope for the sake of our democracy that it happens.

C. N. Rao
Montgomery, Alabama



It was too late to include the following individuals in our December issue.

ZAKIR HUSSAIN (1951-2024): Tabla maestro and cross-cultural composer

S. M. KRISHNA (1932-2024): Former External Affairs Minister of India

RAJKUMAR SINGHAJIT SINGH (1931-2024): Manipuri classical dancer

V. T. RAJASEKHAR (1932-2024): Journalist and founding editor of Dalit Voice


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What’s on YOUR mind?

We welcome original, unpublished letters from our readers. You could either respond to a specific article in Khabar or write about issues relevant to our community. Letters may be edited for length and other considerations. Longer submissions by readers may be considered for the “My Turn” column.

Email: letters@khabar.com • Fax: (770) 234-6115.

Mail: Khabar, Inc. 3635 Savannah Place Dr, Suite 400, Duluth, GA 30096.

Note: Views expressed in the Letters section do not necessarily represent those of the publication.


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