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Letters from Readers

December 2023
Letters from Readers

Additional thoughts on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East

While I applaud C.N. Rao’s beautifully written letter (“Readers Write: Thoughts on the ongoing crisis in the Middle East”) in the November 2023 Khabar issue—which I read from cover to cover—I think it behooves his appeal for humanity and tolerance of diverse views to also recognize that human suffering demands that we (each one of us) not stand by and lament about human vices in an abstract way.

Rao is right to note that the immediate conflict is part of a larger story. He is also right to remind us that any attack on civilians, let alone the barbaric slaughter from both sides since October 7, is wrong. But I’d like to provoke your readers’ minds a little further than us simply condemning it... and then turning the page. Allow me to state the following brief points to your subscribers:

Leaders from Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have continued to remind us that injustice happens when we are silent, not when humans are violent. Yes, C.N. Rao is correct when he shakes his head at the state of affairs across this and many similar global conflicts. But this one has a solution and I believe it is in our hands, not in the hands of governments.

We, every one of us, should be speaking, writing letters and emails, demanding that this conflict be resolved by giving Palestinians their true home. Not just for their sake, but equally for the sake of the Israeli population. Let’s stop using our voices to choose sides like this was a cricket match. Especially when the younger generation is embarrassing us older folk by demonstrating more humanity and courage than we ever did.

The choice here is not which side is right or what information is misinformation and fake news. It doesn’t matter. Let’s not play that game. Our game was defined by leaders who lived the peace they preached. Let our voices support their ideals.

Dr. Sherin S. Kamal
by email


Well-written editorial on the “cult of jingoism”

The editorials by Khabar are always distinct, enlightening, and topical. Your editorial in the October issue (“The Cult of Jingoism Zindabad”) is a masterpiece that succinctly differentiated the almost universal rise of disturbing and destructive jingoism that has eclipsed positive nationalism and patriotism, especially in a once pluralistic India.

This editorial deserves a much wider readership beyond the captive South Asian audience to encourage deeper reflection and empower them to spread this timely pluralistic message for the good of our troubled world.

Nizar Motani



 Interested in writing for Khabar?

Writers are invited to contact us at editor@khabar.com for submission guidelines. Please include links and/or attach copies of published articles, if any, as samples of your work. A review of our back issues online will give you a good idea of what we like to publish. Pitches or unsolicited articles that haven’t appeared elsewhere are welcome as well. If there is further interest, Khabar will respond with an offer or provide more information on our requirements.

What’s on YOUR mind?

We welcome original, unpublished letters from our readers. You could either respond to a specific article in Khabar or write about issues relevant to our community. Letters may be edited for length and other considerations. Longer submissions by readers may be considered for the “My Turn” column.

Email: letters@khabar.com • Fax: (770) 234-6115.

Mail: Khabar, Inc. 3635 Savannah Place Dr, Suite 400, Duluth, GA 30096.

Note: Views expressed in the Letters section do not necessarily represent those of the publication.



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