Letters from Readers
The most consequential election of our time
In the October 2016 edition of Khabar, Mr. Narendar G. Reddy implored
that Indian-Americans should
vote for the Republican nominee for
the President, Mr. Donald Trump. Publication
of this article comes at an awkward
time for him and the Republican
Party. I hope Mr. Reddy has reconsidered
his support for Mr. Trump in view
of recent developments. Wanting to
have a secure national border, properly
vetting immigrants, or enforcing our
laws do not make one a bigot or racist.
Mr. Trump’s utterances go way beyond
that. I do not believe that many Indian-Americans think that Mr. Trump espouses
our values or represents our interests in general.
Mr. Trump’s supporters tout that he is a smart and successful businessman and he would improve the economy, create millions of jobs, and balance the budget. I wonder which of the following would make him a great businessman—driving his business through multiple bankruptcies while personally enriching himself and stiffing his creditors and contractors, heading multiple failed businesses, losing almost a billion dollars in a single year, or using every loophole in the books to avoid paying federal income taxes.
Mr. Reddy says, “Even if you dislike Trump as a person because of his controversial statements, one thing you can be sure, he will not let down America and he will certainly work hard as President to ‘Make America Great Again.’” In my view, Mr. Trump has already let this great nation down with his disgraceful conduct. I hope Indian-Americans would wisely exercise their right in what may turn out to be the most consequential election of our lifetime.
N. Rao Chava
by email
I just finished reading your October edition of Khabar. I was delighted to see your articles on Trump and Clinton (“Two Starkly Different Choices”). For a moment, I thought it was 1985 and “real” journalism had returned! How nice to see opposing opinions in one magazine. The majority of our media outlets are so biased as to be comical. Thank you and kudos. We really can think for ourselves. Now, if only a factual report could be done on the candidates where the reader could not figure out whom the writer preferred!
Martha B. Boone, M.D.
Alpharetta, Georgia
Are our Indian-American U.S. citizens going to vote for Donald Trump? I hope not. I have always wondered and felt outraged as to how some Indian-Americans are associated with the Rush Limbaugh-loving, immigranthating, white supremacy leaning and outright racist Republican Party! Is it because the Republican Party throws some dog bones to a few Indian-Americans who raise money for them and appoints them to some government agencies, such as Regional Transportation Authority? I don’t think most Indian-Americans are that stupid to fall for such tricks.
From time to time some of our fellow Indian-Americans cite the examples of Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal and say that Indian-Americans are doing so well in the Republican Party. I am pretty sure that most South Carolinians thought Nikki Haley is Caucasian and therefore voted for her. Of course, she looks and acts like a Caucasian. In any case, I don’t care about the email controversy of Hillary Clinton, and “I am with her.” I am voting for her on November 8th. I hope my fellow Indian-Americans do so. Her becoming the first woman President of the U.S. is not only a historical event, but also she would make a great President. That will be good for minority communities like us.
Sam Raj
Marietta, Georgia
Your editorial “Whose worldview is more aligned with reality?” (Sept. 2016) is based on facts and gives a thorough insight into current presidential politics. The talking heads of the extreme right wing and the nonsensical rightist media have created monsters like Donald Trump. I very much hope sanity will prevail on November 8th and the American people will make a sensible choice.
Thank you, Khabar.
P. Swamy
Greenville, South Carolina
Trump is just NOT MEANT to be a leader, let alone the President. In terms of simple Human Resources recruiting terms, he does not have the following essential qualifications for the position of President:
Education, experience, skills, temperament, abilities, communication skills, leadership traits, teamwork, decision making, conflict resolution, negotiations, diplomacy; knowledge of international geography, international relations, the Constitution of the U.S.A.; the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, and fundamental human rights, etc.
What he has to offer—hatred, racism; lack of respect for the gold star mother, Muslims, African-Americans, Hispanics, women, and LGBT groups; wall-building; total disregard for the principles of democracy, equity, inclusion, diversity, and basic human rights; etc.—are not the desirable qualifications (let alone required qualifications) for the position of President.
Americans will make the biggest mistake of their lives if they elect him. It will be a death knell not only for U.S.A. but for the entire world.
Giresh Parekh
by email
What’s on YOUR mind?
We welcome original, unpublished letters from our readers. You could either respond to a specific article in Khabar or write about issues relevant to our community. Letters may be edited for length and other considerations. Longer submissions by readers may be considered for the “My Turn” column.
Email: letters@khabar.com • Fax: (770) 234-6115.
Mail: Khabar, Inc. 3635 Savannah Place Dr, Suite 400, Duluth, GA 30096.
Note: Views expressed in the Letters section do not necessarily represent those of the publication.
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