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The Two Presidential Choices Are Miles Apart!

By Parthiv N. Parekh Email By Parthiv N. Parekh
October 2024
The Two Presidential Choices Are Miles Apart!

When we scratch beneath the surface of urban myths and partisan propaganda to objectively study the track record and policy positions of both parties, we see the absurdity of the false equivalency that many have framed around Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

SHOW ME THE MONEY: PERFORMANCE ON THE ECONOMY...........................................

Is the popular narrative—that the Republican party is better for the economy—true? One need not be an expert or an economist to consider the accuracy of this claim. One only needs to look at the presidencies that we have lived through in recent decades.

Bill Clinton (Democrat) gave us a record job creation of 22.7 million and a budget surplus of $559 billion. George Bush (Republican) converted a bustling economy into the most severe financial meltdown in over 70 years—because of aggressive tax cuts blindly inflicted upon an economy that was already suffering the wreckage of his very costly—and dubious— Iraq war. Barack Obama (Democrat) rebuilt a wrecked economy and doubled the stock market by the end of his eight years. Donald Trump (Republican) presided over a net loss of three million jobs—making him the first modern president to leave office with fewer jobs than when he began. And now, under Joe Biden, the economy has grown by approximately 22%, compared to 14% during Trump’s term, and the stock market has reached new all-time highs.

“If the Biden presidency has been good for the economy, why doesn’t it feel so?”— you may ask. Isn’t the biggest news on this front that families are struggling to make ends meet? Indeed, inflation has not been kind in the past couple of years!

It would be a mistake, however, to blame this on the Biden administration. According to economists, the massive disruption of supply chains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the stimulus spending that was required to dig the economy out of the pandemic’s wreckage, are responsible for such a drastic spike in inflation. Thanks to the Biden administration, the U.S. has recovered from this historic crisis much faster than other countries. The real GDP of the U.S. has already returned to its pre-pandemic trend, while advanced foreign economies (AFEs) have experienced a much weaker recovery.

Moving forward, what are the institutions whose market performance is directly tied up to a non-partisan objective forecast of the economy saying about the two candidates? According to an analysis by Goldman Sachs, the U.S. economy is likely to perform better under Kamala Harris than under Donald Trump. They also warn about inflation, which will skyrocket if Trump becomes the president. Mark Sobel, U.S. chairman at the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum and a veteran of the U.S. Treasury Department under both Democratic and Republican presidents, said in a report by Reuters: “The Trump economic program is inherently inflationary. Much higher tariffs, an expansionary fiscal policy, and mass deportation of immigrants: all these factors would combine together to raise inflation and interest rates higher than they otherwise would be.”

The trope that “Trump is a businessman and therefore will do better on the economy” is particularly lame when you consider that nothing screams “failure” in business more than filing for bankruptcy— which Trump has done, not once or twice, but six times. Both Trump and his political party have a demonstrably poor track record on the economy. A 2016 study titled “Presidents and the U.S. Economy: An Econometric Exploration”—by the 130-year-old non-profit, non-partisan American Economic Association— found that, on average, the U.S. economy has grown faster under Democratic presidents than Republican ones since World War II.


Republicans like to criticize Democrats as the party pandering to “freeloaders” seeking government handouts. However, they forget to question the freeloaders at the top end of the food chain. According to the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank promoting free markets and limited government, corporate welfare costs taxpayers almost $100 billion annually. According to the Institute, such corporate welfare tends to promote oligarchy by creating strong ties between politicians and business leaders. The street credo that Republicans are chums with industrial robber barons is not off the mark.

The welfare that Democrats are typically criticized for, even if there is some abuse of it, infuses money into the economy, thereby stimulating it. In contrast, the corporate welfare that Republicans favor creates unholy alliances between government and big business. Consumer safety, workers’ rights, and environmental protection become the collateral damage of such crony capitalism.

OUT-OF-CONTROL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ........................................

Most Indian Americans have played by the rule and gone through long years of a very rigorous immigration process to come to this country. Not surprisingly, many of us are mad about the deluge of illegal border crossers who circumvent a process that demanded so much from us.

Republicans have successfully painted themselves as champions of protecting our borders and taming illegal immigration. But as with many of the urban myths crafted by their propaganda machine, this one also points to what Republicans are absolutely best at: all talk and no action. The reality is that Democrats have been the only adults in the room when it comes to actually tackling the illegal immigration issue. People seem to forget that Obama was dubbed “Deporter-in-Chief” precisely because he took border control seriously.

Earlier this year, when the Biden administration was so close to passing a bipartisan border security and immigration reform bill, it was Trump who derailed it. According to an article in Politico, he described it as a “great gift to the Democrats,” revealing his clear political agenda in killing the bill.

Other than the unfulfilled promise of building a “big, beautiful” wall along our southern border and getting Mexico to pay for it, Trump’s entire immigration policy rests on a single strategy: the vilification of migrants. It reminds me of his “concept of a health plan.” Whether it is healthcare or illegal immigration, Trump is more interested in milking these issues for political gain than actually doing anything about them.

In contrast, Kamala Harris has been a two-term attorney general of a border state and has prosecuted criminals for cross-border trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings. While Trump has been all-noise and no action on illegal immigration, Harris knows the nitty-gritty of the issue from having worked in the trenches—and she was part of the administration that actually succeeded in coming up with a bipartisan bill for border security and immigration reform—which Trump shot down!

PROJECT 2025: A DIRECT ASSAULT ON MINORITIES  ...........................

Radical. Draconian. Dystopian. These are just some of the adjectives used by civil liberties advocates to describe a 900-page overarching right-wing manifesto with an ambitious agenda of fundamentally transforming the country into a White supremacist Christian nation. This means minorities along the lines of race, skin color, religion, gender, and sexuality will be officially marginalized and likely oppressed.

Project 2025 seeks to staff the federal bureaucracy with political lackeys who swear loyalty to the president. The underlying aspiration is to consolidate more power to the executive branch, paving the way for a slide toward an authoritarian regime that would be the perfect bully pulpit for the White Christian establishment.

After seeing the waves of concern about Project 2025 as too radical, arising even from conservative and Republican circles, Trump has tried to distance himself from it. But the reality is that his track record, affiliations, and policy proposals are inextricably aligned with the objectives of this malicious manifesto. In fact, Schedule F, a key component of Project 2025, was already signed into an executive order by Trump during his first term as president.

INDIAN AMERICAN INTERESTS ............................................................

Recently, some Hindu American groups have endorsed Trump. One wonders whether to laugh or cry at the glaring irony and gullibility of brown-skinned Hindus endorsing Trump, the hero and the henchman of White supremacist groups—a cabal that subscribes to the “Great Replacement Theory,” a belief that immigrants who look like us and pray like us are threatening the Aryan and Christian culture and identity of America.

Meanwhile, Trump, I am sure, welcomes these “useful idiots,” thinking to himself, “You’re not very bright, are you? My whole campaign shouts contempt for minorities, but here you are, bending over for my benefit.” Is there anything sadder than Uncle Toms, including the brown kind, who insist that Trump is not racist? Even Trump must be feeling a tad frustrated: “Where did I fall short? I said the most unspeakable things to advertise my racism. My KKK friends got the message and flocked to me in support. And yet, here you are, poor suckers—brown, black, Mexicans, Muslims— willingly supporting my barely coded vision of an Aryan nation!”

Many Indian Americans don’t seem to be concerned about such White nationalism because they believe they are too prosperous and have clout and are therefore safe. But when power is handed over to such racist forces, no minority community is safe from hate crimes and systematic oppression of marginalized groups. Organizations like South Asians Leading Together (SAALT) have documented over 400 hate crimes against South Asians since 2015.

At a transactional level, if the federal bureaucracy gets transformed into a political wing of the executive branch, as is likely under a Trump presidency, things like the following can be expected to occur: (1) Beloved family members could be deported and sent back to India over minor technicalities. (2) Children in public schools could be taught Biblical theories in place of science. (3) Since a federal umbrella of right-leaning personnel would similarly influence local official appointments, building permits for Hindu temples or mosques could be denied based on questionable criteria.

No flaws of the Democratic party, or the complaints that some South Asians may have against it, can compare to the downright danger that the present- day Republican party poses for us. The current Republican Party, dominated by right-wing extremists, and Trump in particular, view people like us—those with brown skin and of Hindu or Muslim faith—as emblematic of what they believe has gone wrong with America. Making America White and Christian again is their crazy dream— and we are the collateral damage of such a nefarious agenda.

INDO-U.S. RELATIONS ............................................................................

The same desi groups that have endorsed Trump also paint Democrats and Harris as enemies of India because the Dems may have called out India on things like its crackdown on Kashmir. Democrats, because they’re principally driven (as opposed to the transactional Republicans), may make soundbites criticizing India here and there, but they always come through in doing right by India. Its bilateral importance to the U.S. is so huge that neither president nor party can afford to ignore it, let alone snub it.

In the area of Indo-US relations, it would be foolish for us to let the optics of partisan showmanship override the actual hardcore consequences of their policies. Some of us are flattered enough to feel all warm and fuzzy when Trump butters up Modi with his trademark snake oil salesman pretense of friendship— while in reality, his aggressive tariffs on India are likely to hurt the robust trade relationship between the two nations.

When Trump was president, he tried to ban the H1B visa category, of which India is the biggest beneficiary. In contrast, a September 10 report in India’s The Economic Times states, “If Kamala Harris becomes President in 2025, her administration may implement inclusive immigration reforms. Legal immigrants and international students could benefit from streamlined visa processes, expanded opportunities, and supportive policies. Family reunification, skilled worker support, and protections for immigrant rights would be prioritized, creating a more welcoming environment in the U.S.”

When the Democratic Party is so overwhelmingly better for Indian American as well as Indo-U.S. relations, what other than some kind of Stockholm syndrome would have some of us endorsing Trump and voting for him?

GENOCIDE IN GAZA ...............................................................................

There is perhaps no other conflict currently in the world that requires the urgent attention and action of conscientious people everywhere than the daily carnage suffered by Gazans. Under the circumstances, it is troublesome to see an American movement that has explicitly galvanized to end the plight of the Palestinian people conduct itself in a way that would make things even worse for them.

The uncommitted movement, a loose national coalition of activists, seems suicidal in its objectives when it goes about making Kamala Harris its public enemy number one—because doing so paves the way for Trump, who is eager to support Israel in “finishing the job” in Gaza. That would amount to “cutting off your nose to spite the face.”

I understand the anger and hurt that the “uncommitted” activists feel towards Harris—but privileging those sentiments over the actual consequences of either sitting out or voting third-party would be a monumental act of self-sabotage and hypocrisy for those claiming to have a bleeding heart for the Palestinian people. Every man, woman, and child in Gaza would beg them to do everything in their power to deny Trump the presidency. Because, if that happens, fussing over Harris would be like fretting over a splinter while ignoring the sword that would come crashing down over the Palestinians.

AMERICA’S LEADERSHIP ROLE IN THE WORLD ...................................

During the Harris-Trump debate, we saw a brilliant Harris play Trump for the buffoon he is. Americans need to wake up to the fact that Trump’s show of bluster and bravado cannot mask his fundamental weakness. If Trump was so easily baited by Harris, how can he possibly protect and promote American interests with formidable antagonists like Russia and China?

During his term as president, he exchanged love letters with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, wantonly wrecked long-standing relations with trusted allies, and damaged U.S. credibility by reneging on our international treaties.

Harris, on the other hand, is a seasoned prosecutor who has also, as a senator, grilled heavyweights like Attorney Generals Jeff Sessions and William Barr in congressional hearings. Praised for her toughness and sharpness, she has the temperament, rigor, fortitude, and experience to champion American interests on the world stage.


The collective human consciousness is making a big mistake in ignoring or undermining the apocalyptic consequences of climate change. But when global warming and catastrophic floods, wildfires, famines, sea-level rise, and worse start causing mass starvation, mass displacement, food riots, and civil wars, it will make high inflation or a gun massacre seem like child’s play.

What policies do Republicans offer to combat climate change? Denial! That’s their policy! Republicans and Trump are science deniers, and particularly egregiously, they are climate-change deniers. Again, Democrats are the only adults in the room when it comes to this grave issue.

Does this mean there won’t be fumbles along the way in coming up with solutions? Of course not. Whether it is Electric Vehicles (EV) or solar power, these are emerging technologies. There are bound to be some glitches and even dead-ends along this journey. Republicans love to capitalize on the flaws of alternative energy and other such initiatives. While they score political brownie points in tearing apart Democratic initiatives to combat climate change, they offer nothing in terms of alternatives.

If for nothing else but to bequeath our children and grandchildren an apocalypse-free future, it becomes morally imperative to vote for Harris who has proposed $10 trillion for a climate plan with measures such as achieving carbon neutrality, emissions reduction, and tax credits for environment-friendly options.

ABOMINATIONS SURROUNDING ABORTION  ........................................

At a superficial level, the Republican stand on abortions may appear to be a morally superior one. Of course, terminating life, even when it is of an unborn child, should never be addressed lightly. While it may be good for societies to debate the ethical, moral, and religious considerations surrounding abortions, the fundamental error of Republicans— (and their hypocrisy, considering they’re the ones who are always knocking the “big brother” role of government) is insisting on legislating morality or religion. It is a slippery slope that is untenable.

Their obstinate insistence that the government ban abortions is particularly egregious on two counts: (1) Violation of the separation of State and Church, considering they want to impose their Christian beliefs on the population by insisting on legalizing the issue. (2) What is fundamentally wrong is made far worse by their radical stance that makes even medically necessary abortions criminal. Republicans’ unholy extremism on abortion results in tragic stories we are hearing of women dying on account of being denied medical attention in states where abortion is illegal.

Considering Trump is responsible for the reversal of Roe v. Wade, a vote for him would amount to voting for the “Darth Vader” on abortions.

CHARACTER MATTERS WHEN IT COMES TO THE PRESIDENCY!.....................................

A foul-mouthed bully could still be a superb sportsman. There is nothing stopping a cheat and a thief from becoming a brilliant computer programmer. It is not impossible for a drug addict to also be the leading salesperson in his company. However, the presidency of the United States is a different matter altogether. In this capacity, character not only matters but can make or break the country!

“Yes, I know Trump is a crass, characterless sexual predator, but hey, I’m not choosing him as my date; I’m choosing him for his capabilities.” Those of you operating under such a flawed belief forget that when you turn over the hen house to the fox, the only thing that happens is that chickens go missing.

When Trump was the president, he frequently announced major policy decisions via Twitter without consulting advisors or agencies, which caught his own administration off guard. That’s what happens when you have a fundamentally undisciplined egomaniac running the show. According to a 2021 report in the Washington Post, “Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president.” Mind you, this is not the kind of political spin that falls under the adage that “All politicians lie.” Far from it, the degree and gravity of his pathological lying has been called out for eroding trust in public discourse and for its danger to a civic society.

When it comes to Trump, I realize that many words are thrown around, but I promise I’m not playing a casual game of name-calling in the following statement. Consider that he is all of the following in the literal, clinical, textbook definition of these terms: narcissist, bully, bigot, juvenile, unscrupulous, xenophobic, misogynist, parochial, chauvinist, and demagogue— to name just a few. Why would we willingly hand over the world’s most powerful political office to someone who is a vast reservoir of qualities that are distinctly antithetical to good leadership?

What happens to American pride if, in effect, we are saying to the world, “Meet my president—he is a convicted felon, sexual predator, and liar-in-chief.”?

AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY ............................................................

Consider the following: (1) Trump has been legally indicted for conspiracy to defraud the United States in his attempt to subvert the 2020 election results illegally. (2) He has been legally indicted for instigating an insurrection that led to the infamous January 6 mob attack on Capitol Hill. In the same indictment, he has been charged with pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to reject legitimate electoral votes during the certification process. (3) In July, at a campaign event in West Palm Beach, Florida, Trump told his supporters, “Christians, get out and vote. Just this time.” And added, “You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

Taken in isolation, any one of the above three events is ample proof of Trump’s intention of thrusting a dagger through American democracy in his lust for power. Together, with his frequent authoritarian rhetoric, these events are a siren call that his danger to our democracy is no longer speculative.

Close to five million of us did not uproot ourselves from our beloved motherland to come live under a White Christian authoritarian government where we are reduced to second-class citizens living under a constant threat of a majority population, many of whom view brown-skinned, non-Christian immigrants as a threat to their way of life.

KAMALA HARRIS: TOUGH, INTELLIGENT, EXPERIENCED, EARNEST, AND ASPIRATIONAL ..............................................................................

While it is true that identity politics can be the bane of a healthy democracy, representation, when it is merited, can be greatly inspiring to marginalized communities. The same is true of historic milestones— we may not want the first black president or the first woman president if the candidate is not qualified. However, when they check out as the best of the options, as was the case with Barack Obama, and is with Kamala Harris, these historic milestones are greatly inspiring markers of civilizational progress. Imagine being instrumental in ushering the first woman, the first African American woman, and the first South Asian American woman into the White House— all in the same election!

With a distinguished career spanning local, state, and federal government, Harris has demonstrated the leadership, vision, and experience necessary to tackle America’s most pressing challenges.

Like every other candidate who ever stood for a political office, she is far from perfect. In the trenches of political mudslinging, everything from her policies to her “cackle” has been criticized. What is essential to keep in mind for those who want nothing but the best for America is that she represents a political party that has consistently proven to be a better alternative for the issues that matter the most: economy, fiscal responsibility, immigration, healthcare, national security, foreign affairs, environment, protection from mass massacres, individual and civil liberties, humanitarian values, infrastructure development, and more.

The choice that the American people have on the ballot is between a sane, earnest, and aspirational Kamala Harris versus an unhinged, rapidly-aging crybaby who is a walking-talking catastrophe.

Parthiv N. Parekh is the editor-in-chief of Khabar magazine. Email to editor@khabar.com to respond to this article. To submit a letter for print consideration, please email to letters@khabar.com.


Note: The critical subject of gun control was not addressed in this article as we have a separate article on it in this issue. Please see the Point of View article by Murali Kamma, titled “Kamala Harris Will Tackle America’s Most Pressing Issue.”


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