Shiv Aggarwal honored at WWAAC

Mr. Shiv Aggarwal received the 2017 Asian Community Business Leadership Award from Who’s Who in Asian American Communities at the WWAAC conference on June 24, 2017 at the UPS Corporate Headquarters.
He is known as the owner of Gwinnett’s Global Mall, the first ever Asian American Mall thriving as a defacto community center. However, he has also given of his time and money to grow the community, supporting ethnic media, helping in founding places of worship, contributing to India’s literacy programs, and even serving as Chairman of the Board for the Gwinnett Village Community Improvement District (CID), and much more. He is truly a silent sponsor of many of the Asian-American thriving narratives.
Ravindra Dave, Viren Mayani (WWAAC Board Member), Shiv Aggarwal (WWAAC Honoree), Mrs. Aggarwal, their son Vishal Aggarwal, and Mustafa Ajmeri. Also present were Vir Nanda and Kiran Agnihotri.
Website Bonus Feature
What is a Community Improvement District?
A Community Improvement District is an association of property owners in a defined area that voluntarily tax themselves in order to fund improvements within the district's boundaries. CIDs seek to improve business development opportunities and enhance property values by developing and promoting coordinated transportation and community character improvements to benefit property owners, business owners, and residents in their specific district.
Although an additional tax is collected by the county tax commissioner, a CID is created under state law by a majority of the area's property owners, not by the county.
CIDs are one of the most powerful public-private tools that can revitalize business districts and re-energize entire communities. Taking a geographically defined district in which commercial property owners vote to impose additional ad valorem real estate taxes, these stakeholders take the future into their hands by determining how the additional funds will be spent to benefit their immediate area. In addition to leveraging their funds with federal and local government monies, CIDs allow community leaders and the actual property owners to chart a course they determine for an area's economic growth and lasting vitality. reading Khabar magazine? Subscribe to Khabar and get a full digital copy of this Indian-American community magazine.
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