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Sahr Singh wins National Geographic bee in Georgia

May 2012
Sahr Singh wins National Geographic bee in Georgia Sahr Singh has always had a wonderful memory. At four years old, she could identify the countries of the world and so appeared on the David Letterman show, charming the audience and correctly identifying Nigeria and other countries on a map.

Eight years later, as a 7th grader, she represented Dodgen Middle School, Marietta, in the National Geographic state level geography bee held on March 30, 2012, in Milledgeville at Georgia College & State University. She won $100 and a free trip to Washington, D.C. to participate in the championship on May 22-24. Other Indian-Americans have won the bee before, but Sahr may be the first girl to win in Georgia.

Contestants do not just identify countries on the map, but must answer geography questions and show a broad understanding of political, cultural, and environmental factors. The top 10 national finalists will be eligible to be on a three-person team to represent the United States at the National Geographic World Championship in 2012 in Russia. The national winner receives a $25,000 college scholarship from the National Geographic Society and a free trip to the Galapagos Islands.

[The article above contains additional material not in the print and digital issues.]

Website Bonus Feature

Late Show With David Letterman - Sahr Singh

For a tidbit about the National Geography Bee of 2006 see

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