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Georgia Asian Times recognizes Neera Bahl and Sonjui Kumar

June 2024
Georgia Asian Times recognizes Neera Bahl and Sonjui Kumar Neera Bahl and Sonjui Kumar were named by the Georgia Asian Times as two of 25 Asian American Pacific Islander individuals who have made an impact. Neera Bahl is Appellate Judge & Dir., Georgia State Board of Workers Compensation. She also serves as the Chair of the Regional Advisory Council of the US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce. Sonjui Kumar is the founder of Kumar Prabhu Patel & Bannerjee. She serves as Chair of the Board for Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta, and she’s also on the advisory board of the Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce and Cool Girls Inc. She is a board member of the Fox Theatre Atlanta and is a long-time charter member of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE) Atlanta Chapter.
Read about our other Newsmakers of the Month here: 


Submitting your news item for consideration in Newsmakers

Please send news items for consideration in the Newsmakers section to CommunityNewsmakers@khabar.com. Publication of news is based on several criteria including the volume of reports submitted for a given issue. We are focusing on local community members with some achievement or award that will be interesting and/or inspiring to our readers.

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