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Compiled/partly written by Melvin Durai Email Compiled/partly written by Melvin Durai
June 2018




“Everywhere you go, people are on social media sites for hours and hours. This has made people generally unhappy, and our mental health has suffered.”

– Shubham Goel, a 22-year-old UCLA graduate who announced his candidacy for California governor and proposes a ban of social media platforms targeting schoolchildren. (India-West)  








“If you don’t understand business, you don’t understand what a great job (Trump) is doing.”

Arun Bhumitra, CEO of a telecom company, who is running for the U.S. Senate from California as a moderate Republican. (Easy Reader News)









“For years, we’ve been made to feel we should be okay with settling for less, with sometimes a promise of getting something more later on. But I think you should get what you think you deserve. It’s okay to fight for it, and it’s okay to feel uncomfortable initially because that’s just the way we’ve been made to feel for so long.”

– Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, on women developing the confidence to ask for better pay. (Time)









“We will not remove the slogan from our bus. We will defend the First Amendment, and we will fight this egregious attack on the First Amendment, at any cost.”

Shiva Ayyadurai, an independent candidate who is challenging Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, commenting on an order from the city of Cambridge that he remove signs on his campaign bus that display the slogan “Only a REAL INDIAN Can Defeat the Fake Indian” – a reference to Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry. (Washington Times)








“Their determination and leadership is a tremendous source of inspiration to me. The pure voices of these kids will definitely prove formidable in America’s fight against gun violence.”

– Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, who traveled to Parkland, Florida, to meet students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where a shooting on Feb. 14 claimed 17 lives. (India-West)






"A lot of people were pestering me about it, and at a certain point my strategy was just to lie. … I would be like, ‘Okay, I got fifth,’ and then the next day, I got third, and eventually people were like, ‘Okay, we can’t believe anything.”

– Brown University freshman Dhruv Gaur, on keeping the results of the Jeopardy! College Championship a secret until the show, taped in March, finally aired on April 21. Gaur, from Gainesville, Georgia, won the top prize of $100,000. (Brown Daily Herald)

Compiled and partly written by Indian humorist MELVIN DURAI, author of the novel Bala Takes the Plunge.
[Comments? Contributions? Please email us at melvin@melvindurai.com. We welcome jokes, quotes, online clips, and more.]

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