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Not on Facebook? Never mind, here is our Facebook and other NEWS !

Compiled/Written by Suzanne Sen
August 2016
Not on Facebook? Never mind, here is our Facebook and other NEWS !

Khabar's Facebook posts from 8/1 to 8/31, 2016:

8/28/16 This may bring tears to your eyes: "Ted Hakey, a former Marine, knelt in prayer, his forehead on the floor, beside his Muslim neighbors inside their Connecticut mosque last Saturday. The enormity of that gesture was lost on no one." He had spewed hatred on social media, and then in a drunken rage shot at the mosque next door--but the imam wished he had gotten to know his neighbor Hakey better, and Hakey was “so overwhelmed” by how graciously he was treated after what he had done. “Imagine a few months ago he was our enemy. ...he had to have courage to be here among those people he once didn’t like. I think the man has had a change of heart.” "Hakey ... also credits a court-mandated addiction treatment program that includes meditation and gardening with helping him find some inner clarity."

Militants killed on Saturday in Bangladesh were connected to July's Dhaka cafe attack that killed the two Emory students and 20 others, mostly foreigners. Alarmingly, educated youths from privileged backgrounds were involved. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Dhaka on Monday.

Students Abinta Kabir 17Ox and Faraaz Hosaain 15Ox will be remembered today at Oxford College (Emory U.) at a memorial service. Both Emory students are described as bright, warm and modest young leaders who served as shining examples to all who knew them. 'She was always smiling' 'His heart was bigger than anyone else’s I knew' Faraaz, an Oxford graduate and junior in Goizueta Business School, and Abinta, a rising sophomore at Oxford, were visiting Dhaka, Bangladesh, this summer to spend time with family and friends. They died during a brutal terrorist attack on a popular café in Dhaka.

Legendary singer Mukesh passed away 40 years ago yesterday, at the age of 53. "He died of a heart attack in Detroit, Michigan, US, where he had gone to perform in a concert. The entire country was shocked of his sudden demise. Raj Kapoor said “I have lost my voice.” Listen to "Awara Hoon" and other songs here:

Lilburn may make local improvements, based on popularity of BAPS mandir! "Currently a survey is underway to decide on what retail stores will add to the economic index of the area and identify feasible ways to improve guest housing there."

8/26/16 Some inspiration from Gandhi and from India: "The biggest way we can 'Be the Change' is to #VTheChange #GoVegan

For all issues: Animal Rights, Climate Change & Global Warming, Domestic Violence, Earth-Water-and-Air Pollution, Feminism & Women's Rights, Global Hunger & Poverty, Heart-Disease-Cancer-and-Diabetes, Racism & Social Justice, Violence & Mass Incarceration, Workers' Rights, Meat is a Social Justice Issue.

Hungry? Here's some fun history of Taco Bell as vegetarian option for Indians. "Between the wonder years of 1980-1999, the population of Indian born immigrants in United States increased from ~200,000 to over 1,000,000."

"After a month of intense national scandal and heightened international outrage, France’s highest administrative court, the Conseil d’État, on Friday overturned the burkini ban in a coastal area of the south of France."

Suresh Ramamurthi, an ex-Google engineer, and his wife Suchitra Padmanabhan, a former Wall Street banker turned fund manager in Topeka bought a failed bank, and by building Trust and Technology, made it into a "secret weapon." "Three years after moving to Kansas, the pair used their own savings to purchase the 124-year-old CBW Bank, Weir’s sole financial institution. It was 2008, the height of the financial crisis, and CBW — then called Citizens Bank of Weir — was under orders from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) to cease operations due to inadequate capital reserves, ballooning levels of bad loans, and internal fraud."

Details emerge on the killing of Atlanta's #AvijitRoy in Bangladesh: American-Bangladeshi Faisal Arefin Dipan was killed Oct. 31 in his office in Dhaka. A similar attack on the same day left another publisher, Ahmed Rashid Tutul, and his two friends seriously injured. "Both Tutul and Dipan had published books by the secular writer-blogger Avijit Roy, who was killed in February last year."

8/25/16 1) Mastery of the mind leads to mastery of the body.... a reason that some push for meditation in schools, prisons, police training, ... and 2) Sports: “This is the last frontier, some believe, a sure way of being woven into the American fabric.”

Forbes magazine lists 2 Indians among the highest earning actors: #8. Shah Rukh Khan - $33 million #10. Kumar Akshay - $31 million

8/23/16 #GurmeetKaur revives dying oral tradition of Baataa(n) or #Punjabi #folktales. Lovely #books. Register for #webinar.

"We learned that students from all AAPI groups are subject to bullying of all types, based on circumstances such as limited English proficiency, cultural stereotypes, religion, and religious attire. However, there's opportunity for all of us to work together to further build upon the resources available, tailor outreach to this community, and implement real solutions to combat bullying of AAPI youth."
Advancing Justice-Atlanta has been working to prevent and raise awareness on bullying and cyber bullying for AANHPI community.
Check out our video on Cyberbullying.
and find out more about our Education work at

"Nowadays, floods are seen as a chronic problem and are viewed quite differently from other emergencies – so they often no longer attract adequate attention from either the media or donors," said Thomas Chandy, CEO of Save the Children in India. "In such a scenario, therefore, it is critical that we develop better, more effective, long-term solutions to cater to the plight of people and children in preparedness for floods."

Tulsi Gabbard's Republican opponent apparently thinks that non-Christians worship the devil. The GOP party chair was quick to attempt to dissociate his party from her attacks.

Students, do you want to study abroad?
Essay-writing workshop for international study
The GSU Study Abroad Programs Office is hosting an essay-writing workshop.
Please join us to hear from a recent Gilman recipient and learn tips for writing excellent Gilman essays!
Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Times: 11:00 AM and again at 3:00 PM
Venue: International Center (Dahlberg Hall, 3rd Floor), Georgia State University
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for Pell Grant recipients to pursue academic studies or credit-bearing, career-oriented internships abroad.

Khabar Magazine Published by Suzanne Sen · August 23 at 12:45pm · International Mushaira coming...9/3, 7pm Poets from India and Pakistan, and from Atlanta.

Coca Cola realized that its 300 ml bottle of Coke meant AN ENTIRE DAY'S WAGES for many consumers in India--so it came out with a 200 ml bottle. That is 2/3 of a day's wages...and making it a little easier to get hooked on the glamorous Western drink, sugar, ...diabetes...

8/22/16 Looking at history, via recent discovery of materials from famous photographer of Partition, Margaret Bourke-White. "Politicians ...failed utterly to grasp the catastrophe they were creating. ...What they had not foreseen was that terrified populations...would flee or be driven from the lands in which they had lived for centuries. In that respect, the events chronicled in LIFE in 1947 seem very similar to ones that can still be seen in the world today."

Bhrigupati Singh of Brown University discusses state power, forests and water, caste, gods, and religious practice in everyday life. His book goes beyond religion-secularism and nature-culture dichotomies, considering quality of life, political theologies of sovereignty, neighborliness, and ethics, while looking at the struggles of the Sahariyas of Rajasthan. Next Tues, 8/30, 4:30p, Emory, free.

Yoga for health...AND disease: Atlanta physicians recently discussed the use of yoga as an intervention to complement standard medical care, with a focus mainly on heart and cancer issues, but also on arthritis, asthma, back ache, diabetes, mental depression, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other illnesses.

8/21/16 More details, recapping Indians' Rio efforts in tennis, archery, shooting, hockey, golf and more.

Olympics tonight: 7pm defining moments, 8pm closing ceremony. India's flag will be carried by wrestler Sakshi Malik, who won bronze, a first for women's wrestling and India’s first medal at the Rio Olympics. This article has good details of India's efforts. "Competing in 15 disciplines with their biggest-ever contingent numbering 118, India hoped to go past their best ever tally of six medals in London 2012."

8/20/16 Our August cover story is on Indian cinema. Here is a new film--"A powerfully atmospheric portrait of Punjab in 1984, Chauthi Koot is an adaptation of the short stories ‘Chauthi Koot’ and ‘Main Hun Thik Thak Haan’ by Punjabi writer Waryam Singh Sandhu from his short story collection Chauthi Koot. The film released in cinemas across India [this month], with English subtitles. On 5 August 2016, the writer and critic Trisha Gupta met Singh at his parents’ home in Noida. During the conversation, they discussed his interest in Punjab, adapting literature into film, and learning from the late avant garde filmmaker Mani Kaul, the face of parallel cinema in India."

Acid Attack Survivor Walks Runway at NY Fashion Week to push for a ban on acid sales.

Blue jeans, indigo, ... a history of oppression.

Details of allegations against Coca Cola in India--that Coca-Cola’s "operations pollute the environment, resulting in the indiscriminate abuse of groundwater resources and loss of farming opportunities for the local community...water being exploited by a select few for the sake of profits. ... "Meanwhile, Coca-Cola is planning—as the Business Standard reported in June this year—to move India a pedestal higher from its sixth largest market to its fifth. Its business in India has been lucrative so far. ... there is little to indicate that the company will put a freeze on its abusive practices."

Planning lunchboxes for the week? Here are some ideas from Atlanta chef/author Nandita Godbole.

A little dance for your Saturday by an Indian Army Gorkha. :)

8/19/16 Quiz: What is she playing? And what is the instrument?
Listen, and see notes below the video... :)

Beautiful temples of India. Which ones have you visited?

​"While the Vatican prepares to canonize Mother Theresa, the city of Kolkata has been alive with celebrations. Seminars, exhibitions and prayer meetings are held each day in Calcutta to reflect Mother Teresa's heart for humanity and her tomb has been moved to the ground floor of the Missionaries of Charity, for all to visit and pray.... a popular street has been renamed Mother Teresa Sarani and is expected to host several celebrations through Christmas."

India's second medal in Rio, second won by a woman: P. V. Sindhu wins silver in badminton. She is the youngest recipient of the Padma Shri, India’s fourth highest civilian honor. Her parents played volleyball.

8/18/16 Here is the story of the first miracle attributed to Mother Theresa, which is to result in her beatification (declaring her to be a saint) next month: the healing of Monica Besra in Bengal.

8/17/16 Mexican SynchronisedSwimmers perform at #Rio2016 to #AkhshayKumar song #AilaReAila (#Bollywood movie #KhattaMeetha).

India gets first medal in Rio, from Sakshi Malik, wrestler, in a thrilling contest.

Documents support what #Muslims say re #ISIS: preys on ppl w/ religious ignorance wanting belonging, excitement

Seen from the INside w/ host Neha Negandhi
radio show debuts tonight 7 pm EST
Tune in 1690AM ATLANTA or listen to the live broadcast on www.seenfromtheinside.com
go to middle of page and click on LIVE BROADCAST button @ 7 pm EST.
First guest is CeeLo Green
Show broadcasts every Wednesday evening @ 7 pm EST and rebroadcast on Sunday evening @ 6 pm EST.
Follow on Twitter: @seenfrominside
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LinkedIn: Seen from the Inside or click here to follow: http://tinyurl.com/zlss79s
Web: www.seenfromtheinside.com

Some beautiful #clothing styles of #SouthAsia. Want to add links re styles from SouthIndia, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, ...?

Update on Kashmir: "Foreign Secretary Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was willing to attend talks on the invitation of his Pakistani counterpart, the sources [at the foreign ministry] said.... A U.N. human rights official expressed "deep regret" at the failure of both the Indian and Pakistani authorities to grant access to the separate parts of Kashmir that each run to investigate allegations of serious human rights violations."

8/16/16 MINDY KALING offers a lot of PERCEPTIVE ADVICE: "Never Complain, Never Explain." Being kind. Looking outside of ourselves. Want to read more of Kaling's wisdom? Her collection of essays "Why Not Me?" comes out in paperback on September 27.

"A symbol of India's freedom struggle, handloom attire was once regarded as fit only for politicians and villagers. It is now seeing a revival, with demand growing for sustainable and ethical fashion, even as mass-market clothing still dominates malls and pavement stalls. "There's a greater desire among the youth and the middle class, who are frustrated with dirty politics and crooked companies, for something better," said Arvind Singhal, chief executive of retail consultancy Technopak Advisors."

A fascinating part of elephant history: Elephants are natural swimmers but don't usually have much opportunity.... Temple life may be worse for them than logging industry! “'The entire island used to enjoy (seeing) him walking the length of the beach at sunset to get back home.'... And now in 2016 the world has finally seen the last of the swimming elephants. Rajan’s body lies deep within the forests of his adopted home where it will lay undisturbed after 66 years of a truly unconventional life." 

8/15/16 India's men's hockey team started their stay in Rio with sparsely furnished rooms, and now have finished their attempt at medals, losing to Belgium. "We are getting closer and closer (to the top of world hockey) but the next step still needs to be made. That's what has been proven in today's game," the Dutch coach said.


Fallout from PM Modi's speech:
"It was a broadside against Pakistan...that left the strongest impression...."What kind of government setup is it that is inspired by terrorism?" asked Modi....drawing a rebuke from Islamabad which accused him of fomenting terrorism...Modi was "only trying to divert world attention from the grim tragedy that has been unfolding in the Indian Occupied Kashmir over the past five weeks", Pakistan's foreign affairs adviser Sartaj Aziz said in a statement....Modi met national party leaders on Friday to seek ways to end the worst unrest in Kashmir since 2010....In a separate statement, Pakistan on Monday invited India for talks exclusively on the future of Jammu & Kashmir...New Delhi has already ruled out such talks....
Analysts said the sharp exchange marked an escalation in the long-running rivalry between the countries.

Interested in what your child is learning in school?
(Remember our article last month giving one "Perspective" on the California Textbook Controversy?)
Well, did you know that parents and the public can participate in reviews of school materials! For example,
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) invites parents and members of the community to join GCPS staff members by participating in a review of proposed curriculum resources and providing input.
Venue: GCPS' Instructional Support Center (ISC), located at 437 Old Peachtree Road NW in Suwanee.
daytime Mon–Fri: from Tues, 9/6 to Thurs. 10/6, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
evening: Thursday, Sept. 15, 5–8 p.m.
weekend: Saturday, Sept. 17, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

A heartfelt essay ("the spirit of an expat") on Independence Day and the India that she loves--
from Nandita Godbole, who says she was "Once a botanist. Once a landscape architect. Now a chef & cookbook author. Also an artist, graphic designer, blogger, & closeted poet."

*‪#‎Youth‬,shun ‪#‎violence‬
* Many innocents were killed in Peshawar terrorist attack (Pak), but there were tears in everyone's eyes in Parliament here. People of Balochistan, Gilgit and PoK have thanked me a lot in the past few days, I am grateful to them. This is the example of our humanitarian approach, but there are some countries who glorify terrorists.
... more

Celebrate India's Independence Day at the Indian Consulate, Atlanta, 8:30am today: Flag Hoisting, Reading out address of President of India. 

"At the stroke of today's midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” --Jawaharlal Nehru in 1947.
Google's Doodle description says,
"Nehru’s speech marked the culmination of the Indian independence movement, which was in motion for nearly a century.
Today’s Doodle depicts the speech’s historic delivery in the Parliament House before the Indian Constituent Assembly. We celebrate India’s independence and as Nehru so eloquently stated, her leaders’ “pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people.” Jai hind!"

8/14/16 Americans Rajeev Ram and Venus Williams have beaten India's Sania Mirza and Rohan Bopanna in the semifinals of tennis.
India still hopes for a medal as the bronze is still in contention.
BUT here's a surprise: 
"Ram actually wanted to represent India in professional tennis but having spent all his life in America, he wasn’t able to get an Indian passport and it was difficult for him to give up his US passport as his parents were living there."

Saina Nehwal played with strapped knee, pain, lost her chance.
"I had a knee pain and could not give my best. It was heavily strapped, and I tried my best. My movements were not smooth and were painful. It’s heartbreaking loss. I also feel very bad about it,” Saina said.

Indian star of Gymnastics Dipa Karmakar raised hopes when she rose to the second position, but then missed the bronze medal by only 0.150 point to come in fourth. However, she is the first Indian gymnast after decades to rise to such fame (first Indian female gymnast to qualify and compete at Olympics and first male or female gymnast to do so in the last 52 years), and her Produnova vault (the vault of death) is remarkable.

Losing by only 1, 1, 1:
Boxer Manoj Kumar had won his first round bout against 2012 London Olympics bronze medallist (60kg) Evaldas Petrauskas in the men’s light welter weight 64kg category on Wednesday, but today Uzbekistan’s Fazliddin Gaibnazarov squeaked past him, with all three judges scoring it 10-9 in each of the three rounds! http://indianexpress.com/…/live-india-boxing-manoj-kumar-m…/

Google Doodle celebrates August 14, 2016
Pakistan National Day 2016
Situated to the west of the Indus River in the Sindh province of Pakistan, the ancient ruins of Mohenjodaro make up what archeologists have called the most advanced civilization of the ancient Indus Valley. Built mainly with baked bricks, Mohenjodaro provides a stunning peek into the dynamic, progressive culture of its former inhabitants.
Today’s Doodle celebrates Pakistan’s Independence Day by featuring some of Mohenjodaro’s most iconic landmarks, including the stately “Priest-King,” a clay bullock cart, and the bronze “Dancing Girl.” As strongly as Mohenjodaro’s legacy lives on, so does Pakistan’s longstanding history. Happy Independence Day, Pakistan!

Here's what to look for on 8/14 at the ‪#‎Olympics‬ in ‪#‎Rio2016‬ :http://indianexpress.com/…/india-day-9-schedule-august-14-…/

8/13/16 Residents of ‪#‎Queens‬ NY call murder of ‪#‎Bangladeshi‬ ‪#‎imam‬ + assistant a‪#‎HateCrime‬ inspired by ‪#‎Trump‬

“I’m not sure what kind of an animal would kill that man,” said Rahi Majid, 26. “He would not hurt a fly. You would watch him come down the street and watch the peace he brings.”

Special Sabha For Late Pramukh Swami Maharaj
On Saturday, August 13, 2016, at 6.00 p.m. (IST), the spiritual head of BAPS, celebrated for his worldwide socio-spiritual services, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj passed away at the pilgrimage place of Sarangpur, Gujarat, at the age of 95.
A special Sabha has been organized:
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2016
Time: 4 pm 
Venue: BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, 460 Rockbridge Road NW, Lilburn GA 30047. 
Contact: 678-906-2277, info.atlanta@usa.baps.org , http://atlanta.baps.org

8/13/16 The practice of cupping is already quite popular in India. "The Olympic story might have given cupping more space in the public eye but people already knew about it. We have treated lakhs of people till now," claims one doctor in Delhi.
What it's for, how often you can have it done, more:

A gripping story of drought, fear, tragedy: Dattu Baban Bhokanal, the lone rower from India who made it to the Rio Olympics, worked his way to #13 of 32 in the finals of Rowing, Men's single sculls. 
"Bhokanal first had to overcome his fear of water. He didn't know how to swim and had only seen his first waterbody in 2012. "Water is very scarce in our village. We don't even have water to drink. Trust me, it's worth more than gold. How could we imagine that it could be used for sports as well?"...
"I can bring hope to my village," he told the Miami Herald recently. "If only I could bring water."

Pramukh Swami Maharaj passes away at 95. He created and consecrated 1,100 temples and giant cultural complexes. "In his first overseas tour after becoming guru, consecrated the first BAPS mandir in New York, USA in 1974. At the age of 62, Pramukh Swami suffered a heart attack and later in 1998 he underwent a heart bypass surgery in New York, USA. ... In the year 2000, he addressed the Millennium World Peace Summit of Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations and in 2004, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the US government."​

Big battle today at 2pm: watch as Sania Mirza and Rohan Bopanna play America’s Venus Williams and Rajeev Ram--they are one win away from an assured medal.

Making strides at Rio 2016 Olympic Games: "India's Lalita Babar is the first Indian woman to reach track final in 32 years after qualifiying in today's 3000m Steeplechase. The last person to do so was PT Usha in 1984."

India returned to women’s Olympic hockey in Rio after a gap of 36 years but came up short. "The Indians did better in the second quarter as they were able to stop the Americans from scoring, including from the two penalty corners. In the 20th minute, Rani Rampal’s reverse hit found the target but it turned out that the ball sounded the board after being deflected from Preeti Dubey’s leg to the disappointment of the Indian supporters. India showed some purpose and intent to attack in the third quarter and they raided the American defence on a few occasions with Rani Rampal in the thick of action most of the times." Play-by-play is here:

8/12/16 "Unless there is an acknowledgement among all political parties in India that Kashmir is a dispute and not an internal issue and has to be addressed accordingly, there is very little chance of the situation improving or real peace returning," said faction chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq.

Livestreaming in just a few minutes ! at NBC Asian America on Facebook. This quad-partisan AAPI Presidential Election Forum is the 1st time this election cycle that the top 4 presidential campaigns are participating in an event together. It is also the 1st time the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green Party presidential campaigns will directly speak at the same event to address the AAPI community at large. Two GOOD things! Two candidates are actually coming, 2 others are sending representatives (maybe an upside-down exclamation point might be appropriate)

Blacks=not only ones pro #sentencingreform. 83yo arranged $268,726 w/ #strawdonors --feds demand prison. #AmiBera

8/11/16 New York dancer #WallyCardona +#JenniferLacey try #SouthIndia's #Kutiyattam!

Today marks the official launch of the #SolidarityIs campaign. This is a crucial time to be an ally and demonstrate solidarity as we recognize Black August. SAALT (South Asian Americans Leading Together), the Sikh Coalition, and many others are proud to be supporting this campaign which encourages actions of solidarity, particularly in this moment when xenophobia, anti-Black racism, anti-Muslim bias, and backlash against Sikhs, Hindus, and others are on the rise. Learn more at

'The Little Master,' Pakistan's legendary cricketer Hanif Muhammad, has passed away at the age of 81. "His contribution to the game has been enormous and one can only imagine the kind of impact his batting had on others over the years. Hanif's triple-century against the West Indies was a legendary innings and unsurprisingly he was one of the original inductees into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame."

"The chief executive, medical director and three other doctors at a prestigious Indian hospital [in Mumbai] have been charged with offences related to illegal organ transplants after a kidney trafficking racket was uncovered...This is the second kidney trafficking racket found operating out of a top Indian hospital in recent months. In June, police discovered a similar racket operating out of the reputable Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in the capital New Delhi."

8/10/16 Rained out today, Sania Mirza-Rohan Bopanna's mixed doubles play on Thursday, might bring a medal!

Here's what's happening with #India's #Olympics contingent!

#BlackLivesMatter=valid+direly needed but damage to Black+Blue(#police) lives will get worse w/o introspection.

Suspicion paralyzed #SureshbhaiPatel, killed #TrayvonMartin+man in Raleigh 8/7. #dontcallthecops=>alternatives to 911.

U don't need to know Hindi to learn some #selfdefense from this video! #SpecialPoliceUnitWomenAndChildren #Delhi.

#DontLetHerGo is the new slogan teaching India not to litter. This Swachh Bharat campaign ad shows that "Cleanliness is next to godliness."

From director of #Lagaan +starring #HrithikRoshan, #MohenjoDaro movie has #archaeology, #love.

8/9/16 The Western theosophists’ modernisation project in the late 19th and early 20th century Sri Lanka: "Their vision was to provide a quality education in English modelled on the English public school, coupled with an inculcation of Buddhist ethics, vernacular languages and indigenous customs, to a segment of our population that was otherwise denied the privilege." A critique of the Christian missionary schools and the imperialist project, it emphasized equality, "Education is a pearl we must acquire at great price. It must be polished to sustain its lustre. It is not the privilege of a few." Photo: FROM THE PAGES OF HISTORY At the golden jubilee of Theosophical Society. Seated in the middle of the front row is Annie Besant and to her right are Bishop Leadbeater and J. Krishnamurthi. Photo: The Hindu Archives

Police "misbehave": thrash a 15-year-old waiting for his ride, also "misbehave" with a woman who tries to stop it.

Olympic win for men's hockey, dazzling, memorable:

Human trafficking in India is a huge problem, recognized in the film Udta Punjab, an eye-popping, vulgar, and dark odyssey that fleshes out opiate abuse in contemporary India with devastating effectiveness. A tight story, co-scripted by Chaubey and Sudip Sharma, strings together a large canvas. A twisted, surreptitious South Asian nexus loosely connects political and law enforcement corruption, the pharmaceutical industry infrastructure, human trafficking, and modern slavery, on the one hand, and its iron grip on individual lives and rampant drug abuse in certain enclaves, on the other hand. Caught in this vortex are four characters that occupy distinct socio-economic strata in a Punjab setting.

From #NazeeraDawood: TrainingCitizens re #HumanTrafficking, 8/26 10am to noon, Atlanta, RSVP

Personal efforts making a difference for #conservation. #India #cranes

8/8/16 SeditionLaws vs man who posted onFacebook forIndia to leave #Kashmir, Accuser=right-wing HinduGroup vs meat-eaters.

Tulsi Gabbard, having been in the military herself, charts a foreign policy skeptical of military intervention.

As an African-American woman is now fighting stereotypes (of Muslims, women, hijab) in the Olympics (see previous post), so, too, 70 years ago, an African-American leader wrote to Ambedkar that he had “every sympathy with the Untouchables of India.”

Ibtihaj Muhammad, the fencer who is the first American Muslim woman to compete in the Olympics while wearing a hijab, may be African-American, but isn't her fight for all of us: all Americans, all women, all Muslims around the world, ultimately for all who want to live in peace? “I am excited to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions people have about Muslim women,” she told the BBC. “I want to show people that we can not only be on any Olympic team, but on the U.S. Olympic team which is the strongest of the world’s teams.” And she plans to continue to speak her mind. “As a global community, we have to work harder to change our current situation. It is an unhealthy one.”

"School children have set out to make the city of Kota plastic-free" --Let's spread this idea!

3rd #InternationalFriendshipDay 8/7 was part of #Brooklyn Borough Pres Eric Adams’ #EmbraceYourHyphen campaign.

lawyer killed, mourners come to hospital, bomb kills 67, injures 100. Quetta, #Pakistan.

8/7/16 "Shocked to know UP has seen rise of 161% in rape cases, says Rajnath Singh."

News from #SportingIndia: amazing win by #India, defeated Ireland by 3-2 in its 1st #Hockey game at #Rio2016

#Kashmiri protests. #IndianAdministeredKashmir=largest,most militarized territorial dispute w/ 1soldier/25citizens.

Man attacks Hindu chef in Omaha, saying, “ISIS, get out of my country.” Sree Sreenivasan (the next Chief Digital Officer of New York City) joined leaders of the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) in expressing his anger at this attack, and warned all Indian-Americans of the dangers of Trump’s anti-Muslim attitude.

8/6/16 Mickey Singh appearing TODAY at 2nd IFA Freedom Mela. Free entry, 1pm-11pm.

PREITY ZINTA appears TODAY at IACA's 20th Festival of India: 8am-7pm, free, so many attractions!

"With the theme of world peace and environment, the programme retraced the history of Brazil — the arrival of the Portuguese, the African influence on its culture, the immigration of Arab and Japanese communities and the rise of great cities. Almost 1,500 artists performed in a colorful musical show which gave a glimpse of Brazil."

The school had allowed the bullying to become fierce: One day in 8th grade he was taunted by an aggressive student throughout the day, slapped in the face, surrounded by a group that pushed him back and forth, tackled by the aggressor and hit several times, resulting in his being knocked out, sustaining broken bones, missing c.40 days of school and going through two surgeries--not to mention first being suspended for being the aggressor and forced to sit through questioning.

8/5/16 A million people taking shelter in government-run relief camps after flooding in India. In Assam, 3.8M ppl affected.

Watch for these #Olympics2016 contenders from #India:

An #Olympiad of the mind: #Chemistry. China took 1st place, #India 6th.

"With the demeanor and grace of a young Gandhi, Sagar used his abilities as a physician and his voice as a poet to humbly yet passionately make his mark on the world, before his life was cut short."

"From Watersheds to Shower Heads" Dr. Shantini Gamage (Veterans’ Health Administration) was one of the panelists speaking about Legionnaires’ disease at Emory University (after the outbreaks in NYC and Flint, Michigan in 2015).
Videos are now available:

Did you wake up thinking about the weekend coming?
IACA's 20th Festival of India (8am-7pm) with PREITY ZINTA !
IFA's 2nd Freedom Mela (1pm-11pm) with MICKEY SINGH !
Check it all out on our eKhabar events email:

8/4/16 Beautiful #Bamiyan #Afghanistan 14 yrs >ancient statues of #Buddha destroyed by #Taliban, 3D light projection.

Do girls have the same right to choose as boys? In India, stalkers have killed girls who refuse them (see previous post). In America, "parental expectations of marriage, procreation, devotion to religion, and the pursuit of science collide with the quest for autonomy and unconditional acceptance." ANJALI ENJETI reviews an anthology titled "Good Girls Marry Doctors."

Stalkers killing their victims by fire, hacking: c4/5 women in India have faced public harassment, sex crimes.

"A government-appointed panel has suggested a standard goods and services tax (GST) rate of 17-18 percent but Indian states want a higher level. Below is a look at the macro implications of GST, and some insight on the sectors and companies that will be the likely winners and losers from the reform."

8/2/16 Sikh history in the US: struggles for immigration, naturalization for over 100 years. An example is this case of "Deportation by Arrhythmia."

A #paper cut artist from #Ahmedabad creates stunning works of #art. #ParthKothekar. #papercrafting.

#IndianAmericans can tip elections inOH,PA,FL,VA. #Hillary for #Sikhs >9/11, #TimKaine for Sikhs inUSArmedForces

#KhizrKhan #GhazalaKahn: why US should not fear #ShariaLaw coming here, how to approach #immigration policies, more.

8/1/16 Almost time, #RioOlympics! drama continues #wrestling: #NarsinghYadav, ? #doping, #sabotage, #threats to his life

The struggles faced by Udta Punjab and its theme and content exemplify the tectonic changes that Indian cinema is going through. Mainstream Bollywood no longer hogs the industry. Meaningful cinema is gaining while mindless entertainment is ebbing. But something else is also happening. Here are the latest trends: going international, going the way of short films, and going digital—skipping brick-and-mortar theaters altogether. Most important, though, is the refreshing variety of themes.

Got your August issue of Khabar? It's full of feature articles! Don't wait to get it at the store, have it delivered home for FREE (in GA, AL, TN, & SC) It's easy, go online here:

Indian workers in Saudi Arabia are to be evacuated--"living in inhuman conditions in labour camps after losing jobs in slump-hit Saudi economy.... External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj late on Saturday tweeted that “the number of Indian workers facing food crisis in Saudi Arabia is over ten thousand.” ... The evacuation from Saudi Arabia will take place within a month of India evacuating its nationals from South Sudan. In 2015, Gen. Singh led a similar operation from war-hit Yemen."

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