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Health information in three languages at 39th SAI Health Fair

By Mahadev Desai
June 2018
Health information in three languages at 39th SAI Health Fair


(Left) Bone mineral density screening test, with (standing) Dr. Sujata Reddy, GINA President Vidya Kanagaraj, and Mr. Madhu Siddagunta. (Photo: Ravi Ponangi)


The 39th SAI Health Fair in coordination with Georgia Indian Nurses Association (GINA) was held at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia, on Saturday, April 21, 2018. Dr. Sujatha Reddy organizes the Sai Health Fairs as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and also to promote his and Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies of nonviolence, community service, and social justice. This fair elicited a good response with an attendance of over 300 participants. It was also strongly supported by health care professionals, nurses, doctors, Sangisetty Charitable Foundation, and Reddy-Buffaloes Pump Company, a fire pump company in Baxley, Georgia.

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(Left) GINA nurse volunteers. (Photo: Courtesy of Vidya Kanagaraj)

Over 150 blood tests with HbA1c were carried out at a nominal fee of $30 per test. Lab work was provided by Sy Med LLC of Tucker. It is noteworthy that the results of the blood work were mailed within a week with instructions to be followed at the free clinics as mentioned in the covered letter. The test results helped identify some life threatening results which were immediately notified to the participants.

Over 90 EKGs were carried out by Emory Southern Heart Specialists and Gwinnett Heart Specialists. Over 25 audio screenings were done by Dr. Sridhar Krishnamurthy, Auburn University, Alabama. Peripheral Bone Mineral Density screening tests were in big demand. More than 34 were performed by Madhu Siddagunta’s team, and 24 were abnormal. These tests helped participants become aware of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta organization gave out informational material and advice on breast cancer awareness and mammograms. Stroke risk factor education was provided by GINA President Vidya Kanagaraj. Stroke is a leading cause of death in the U.S., and time is critical in preventing long term damage, so the patient must be taken to the hospital immediately.

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Dr. Tulasi Vanapalli collecting blood sample for tests. (Photo: Ravi Ponangi)

Drs. Trushna Rao, Arti Pandya, Supriti Balyan, Kavita Gopal, and others. (Photo: Vasanthi Mahadevan)

Free consultations were provided by dedicated specialists:
Audiology – Dr. Krishnamurthy​;
Cardiology – Dr. Raja Reddy, Dr. Devendra Koganti;
Dentistry – Dr. Supriti Balyan, Dr. Swati Kallipalli;
Dermatology – Dr. Tulasi Vanapalli;
Endoctinology – Dr. Sravanthi Sanivarapu;
ENT – Dr. Shrinath Nadig, Dr. Trushna Rao;
Gastroenterology – Dr. Kavitha Gopal;
Internal Medicine – Dr. Hymavati Mikkilineni, Dr. Nimish Trivedi, Dr. Shyla Reddy, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Vaddireddy, Dr. Shylaja Prabhakaran;
OB-Gyn – Dr. Sowmya Reddy;
Opthalmology – Dr. Aarti Pandya;
Orthopedics – Dr. G. Natarajan, Dr. Sarvesh Naidu; and 
Psychiatry – Dr. Rohini Reddy​,
who all interacted with patients through free consultations.

Yoga sessions were enthusiastically conducted by ENT Surgeon Dr. Trushna Rao Nadig. Dr. Ganesan, a Health Scientist at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gave out informative material in Hindi, Gujarati, and English on healthcare related issues and concerns. Raquel Merced gave advice on nutrition.

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(Left) Rachna Gupta, Rani and others at reception and registration table. (Photo: Ravi Ponangi)

Snacks, fruits, and drinks were provided to all the participants by Sandra Juric. Sai Health Fair provided lunch to all the doctors, nurses, technicians, and volunteers.

Publicity coverage was carried by Khabar magazine, India Tribune, NRI Pulse, Telugu Patrika, Wownow, Rashtra Darpan, Desi Express, and Atlanta Dunia. Mahadev Desai, Vasanthi Mahadevan, and Ravi Ponangi helped with the media coverage and digital photography.


(Photo: Vasanthi Mahadevan)

[The article above is a Website Bonus Feature, appearing only on the website for June 2018, not in the print/digital issues.]


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