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Change In Attitude Is Key To Success, Says Productivity Exponent

March 2004
Change In Attitude Is Key To Success, Says Productivity Exponent

A fly buzzes back and forth repeatedly, each time banging itself to the glass wall. This is because it is conditioned to do so. It does not look at the possibility of an open door where it can fly away to freedom. The fly, by productivity exponent Mohan Kapur's definition, is a metaphor for many individuals who are prisoners of their habits and attitudes ? their conditioning.

"Like the fly, many of us keep torturing ourselves to succeed, but will not look at the possibility of open doors. We blame circumstances, but will not try to change our habits and attitudes."

Kapur was addressing a rapt audience at Impact Conference Center on February 15. The power packed 90-minute talk entitled ?Transforming Good Results Into Great Achievements' was presented by the Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (GIACC), and was attended by executives, business owners and professionals. The talk was also sponsored by Global Mall and Khabar magazine.

Kapur specializes in improving measurable performance of organizations through strategic and developmental processes.

The audio-visual presentation began with a broad definition of success. "Success is progressive." he said, "The day you feel you are successful, you stop being successful. Success is a constant process."

Success is also the product of a ?realization of', or an ?aha'. "We may be doing things for 30 years without ever getting an ?aha', a realization," he said.

Success also depends on having worthwhile goals that are pre-determined and personal. "If goals are not personal, the individual will not have much to contribute to the organization. An organization's success constitutes the sum total of each person's success," he stressed.

The productivity expert then focused on motivation as a factor to succeed. He said there are three types of motivation. The first two types, namely fear and incentive, are external and temporary. But the third type of motivation, a change in attitude, is always permanent.

How does one acquire ?attitude motivation'? Through positive conditioning and spaced repetition. The advertising world relies on spaced repetition to achieve brand recognition. "Fifty years ago terms like cola, and jaguar would have brought about visions of a bottle of cola and an animal. But today it reminds us of Coke and a car." That is what spaced repetition in ads has achieved, said Kapur. "We can change our karma through imagination," he stressed, quoting playwright Bernard Shaw, "?all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

How does one get motivated? Kapur suggested a four-pronged approach that includes awareness, planning, development and results management.

Kapur briefly outlined Paul J Meyer's Leadership Management Inc. (LMI) program. Kapur is a leading partner with Leadership Management Inc., (www.lmi-inc.com).

A brief question-answer session followed the dynamic presentation.

-Veena Rao

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