Atlanta Bengali Forum celebrates Durga puja
The Atlanta Bengali Forum (ABF) celebrated Durga Puja on October 11 and 12, drawing an 800-plus crowd from places all over Georgia and Tennessee, some of whom arrived a day earlier to lend a hand with the decoration of Devi Durga.
Saturday began with a drawing contest and Pushpanjali. Around 40 children participated in the contest. This year, ABF presented as a part of its evening cultural program a host of local talents followed by the phenomenal Indian pop diva, Usha Uthup, whose performance enthralled the crowd.
Sunday was marked by Dashami Puja, Devi boron and Sidur khela, followed by a sumptuous lunch. But there is an end to every good thing, and the hearts sang a melancholy tune as the event came to an end. Visitors remembered the enthusiasm, preparation and efforts that went into coordinating this year’s event successfully and resolved to welcome Devi Durga again next year.
— Dip Narayan Das
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