June 2009 -
With temperatures soaring, kids out of school and outdoor activities increasing, being safe during the summer can be the last thing on your mind.
June 2009 -
Few professions are coming through unscathed in an almost universally bad year. Yet physicians, specifically foreign-born physicians, have a golden window of opportunity.
June 2009 -
Those of us advocating a sensible, proimmigration policy are not seeking a mass amnesty with no further restrictions or conditions.
April 2009 -
The tax process to the normal American citizen is a confusing maze of loopholes, complicated rules, and uncertainty.
March 2009 -
It has become a familiar scenario over the past few years: tens of thousands of foreign workers (and their employers and lawyers) eagerly awaiting April 1st, so they can snap up H1B Specialty Occupation Worker visas.
February 2009 -
US-VISIT will now apply to all permanent residents entering or exiting from an air or seaport.
January 2009 -
Recent failed policies have shown that enforcement-only policies are not only ineffectual, but also dangerous.
November 2008 -
US Increases Period of Stay for Trade-NAFTA Professionals from Canada & Mexico
September 2008 -
With PostModern Gandhiji (PMG)
An advice column offering the Mahatma’s perspective on modern dilemmas
Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Esai: Sub ko Mera Salaam
August 2008 -
John McCain and Barack Obama both affirmed their commitment to immigration reform.