ARIES March 21 to April 20

Paths to greatest fulfilment this month: home, family, intellectual interests, local and foreign travel, communication, the body, image and personal appearance.

 TAURUS April 21 to May 20

You can and should have things your way, but without stepping on others or violating their rights. Your way is probably the best way forward at this time.

 GEMINI May 21 to June 20

Love is bittersweet. You are involved in romance, but you still have to deal with the passions, positive and negative, that come with it. There is much rapture.

 CANCER June 21 to July 22

Your areas of greatest fulfilment this month: the body, image, personal appearance, sensual fulfilment, career, spirituality. Your finances are strong all month.

 LEO July 23 to August 22

Love will be active and passionate. Your choices are between fun-and-games type of relationships and more serious ones. A fleeting passion could hurt a friendship.

 VIRGO August 23 to September 22

A good month to pay off debt or re-finance existing debt. Tax issues should see a good resolution (though after a delay). You prosper as you help others to prosper.

 LIBRA September 23 to October 22

Not doing enough can get you further sometimes. Relax, let go, exercise your social genius, and let the current of life carry you. Good is happening through others.

 SCORPIO October 23 to November 22

Hard work produces good luck. People will say you got lucky, but you know that you earned it. There is a great focus on health and finances as well this month.

 SAGITTARIUS November 23 to December 21

Health is mixed. The danger comes from overdoing and not from anything organic or functional. Be careful. Rush, haste, and impatience can backfire.

 CAPRICORN December 22 to January 19

Health is good overall, but rest and relax more after the 20th. Home renovation is a good idea this month but give more thought to the aesthetics.

 AQUARIUS January 20 to February 18

Finances are strong this month and your spouse or partner is generous and supportive. Social connections and activities aid the bottom line in a dramatic way.

 PISCES February 19 to March 20

This is a strong financial month, especially after the 20th. Money comes from work and career, but it is abundant. An elder may bestow some gift on you as well.










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