• Letter from India--How Things Were

    Letter from India--How Things Were September 2006 - The Shatabdi train meanders through the familiar landscape of Dehra Dun. The city I grew up in, the city I was so eager to leave. The city I have held dear ever since my escape.........

  • Opinion--The Anxiety over Assimilation

    Opinion--The Anxiety over Assimilation September 2006 - "Kinder statt Inder" is a pithy German slogan that sums up a graying Europe's attitude towards immigration. It means: "Children instead of Indians." America is different........

  • Alpine Flavors: Recipes

    Alpine Flavors: Recipes August 2006 - Masala Rosti and Vegetables with Saffron Sauce

  • The Splitting Apart of Amar, Akbar and Anthony

    The Splitting Apart of Amar, Akbar and Anthony August 2006 - The latest Mumbai blasts may be both a symptom and cause of the changing face of the city from a secular to a communally segregated one.

  • Popular Books by Deepak Chopra

    Popular Books by Deepak Chopra August 2006 - Escaping the Prison of the Intellect: A Journey from Here to Here Soul of Healing. Audio, 2006

  • Hindi in Amrika

    Hindi in Amrika August 2006 - A look at how and why India's national language is making small inroads in the U.S.

  • Not immune to criticism

    Not immune to criticism August 2006 - There's a healthy dose of skepticism in America for anything considered "New Age." Given that Deepak Chopra is one of the leading proponents .............

  • Letter from India: Revisiting Reservation

    Letter from India: Revisiting Reservation August 2006 - 50 percent! That's how much a new initiative wants to allocate for reserved seats for the underclass in all educational institutes. What's affirmative about this action?

  • Letter from India

    Letter from India July 2006 - To bee or not to bee? The answer, as far as Indian-American youngsters are concerned, seems to be a resounding "to bee." Which is not surprising..........

  • Cover Story Preview of August 2006 Issue: The Unbounded DEEPAK CHOPRA

    Cover Story Preview of August 2006 Issue: The Unbounded DEEPAK CHOPRA July 2006 - From prada-toting socialites to the beggar on the street corner, Reetika Khanna Nijhawan takes a look at the new and improved Mumbai and wonders whether India's current economic progress has trickled .............







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