• TAMA 2014 Scholarship Awards in India

    TAMA 2014 Scholarship Awards in India November 2014 - The Telugu Association of Metro Atlanta 2014 Scholarship Ceremony was hosted on September 21 at Hyderabad’s Ravindra Bharathi, awarding 46 scholarships to students in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

  • Humanity First’s Meena Bazaar

    Humanity First’s Meena Bazaar November 2014 - Humanity First’s Meena Bazaar fundraiser was held in Duluth, raising thousands of dollars for two strategic initiatives in America: “Our Kids, Our Future” (OKOF) and “Feed the Hungry.”

  • Festival of Oneness: loving one another and spreading peace

    Festival of Oneness: loving one another and spreading peace November 2014 - Sant Nirankari Mission’s Atlanta Branch hosted a Festival of Oneness during Global Mela, with the message of "One world, one family." Entertainers and visitors came from as far as Canada.

  • AALAC unveils South Asian voter billboard and helps voters register

    AALAC unveils South Asian voter billboard and helps voters register November 2014 - The Asian American Legal Advocacy Center (AALAC) put up a billboard near Global Mall to encourage South Asians to register and vote. Sonjui Kumar's family was thrilled to participate.

  • South Asians at the AJC Decatur Book Festival tell of “seeing ourselves in each other’s faces”

    South Asians at the AJC Decatur Book Festival  tell of “seeing ourselves in each other’s faces” October 2014 - Nine South Asian authors read from their works and discussed fiction, nonfiction, poetry, publishing, and more, as part of the AJC Decatur Book Festival on August 30-31, 2014.

  • NetIP Conference: from flash mob to focus on charity

    NetIP Conference: from flash mob to  focus on charity October 2014 - The Network of Indian Professionals (NetIP) Conference returned to Atlanta over Labor Day weekend (August 29-September 1, 2014), with comedian Rajiv Satyal and ESPN sports anchor Kevin Negandhi.

  • Something for everyone at the IACA Festival of India 2014

    Something for everyone at the IACA Festival of India 2014 October 2014 - Indian American Cultural Association (IACA) organized its annual Festival of India for India’s Independence Day at the Gwinnett Civic Center on August 23, 2014, with a guest Olympian.

  • The Cloud comes to Atlanta

    The Cloud comes to Atlanta October 2014 - Meghadootam – The Cloud Messenger, based on Kalidasa’s poem, was produced by the Cleveland Cultural Alliance (CCA) and hosted in Atlanta by Eashwar Money, under the auspices of AIM for Seva.

  • Articulate Ability dance group inspires people to overcome disability

    Articulate Ability dance group inspires people to overcome disability October 2014 - A dance program was presented on Saturday, September 6, 2014, by Articulate Ability, a nonprofit group of visually impaired dancers who excel in Indian classical, semi-classical, and folk dance.

  • Hindu Women's Conference facilitates empowerment through knowledge

    Hindu Women's Conference facilitates empowerment through knowledge October 2014 - The 2nd Annual Hindu Women's Conference organized by Atlanta Chapter - World Hindu Council of America (VHPA), took as theme "Empowerment through Knowledge," with spiritual, medical, and financial topics.







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