Vedanta Center of Atlanta: July events

7/27/2014 10:30 AM

Vedanta Center of Atlanta: July events Time: There is silent meditation in the Chapel from 10:30-11am, before each Sunday’s talk. After the talk, devotees and friends meet in the Monastery from noon to 1:30pm, for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship. Please join us! 
PS: Please be on time. The service starts promptly at 11AM.
Venue: 2331 Brockett Rd, Tucker, GA 30084
Contact: (770) 938-6673 ;,


Sunday, July 13, 11:00am: "I will tell you a secret...."

"I will tell you a secret..." with Br. Shankara.   Swami Brahmananda, the spiritual son of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi, said: "I will tell you a secret. You may not fully understand its meaning now, but in time its truth will dawn on you. And this truth is that every man's will and mind lead him progressively toward good. Some are led along thorny paths and some are led along smooth paths, but all reach the same goal." This is indeed an inspiring assurance! Swami Shivananda, another of Ramakrishna's direct disciples, said: "All that one has to do is establish God in one's heart by any means. Then, one need make no separate effort to build up a moral character. All such divine qualities as truthfulness, kindness, love, etc., then come to one as a matter of course." Shivananda was echoing Sri Krishna's epic promise: "Though a man be soiled with the sins of a lifetime, let him but love me, rightly resolved, in utter devotion: I see no sinner, that man is holy. Holiness soon shall refashion his nature to peace eternal; O (Arjuna), of this be certain: The man that loves me, he shall not perish." (Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 9) This Sunday morning, we'll look for evidence of spiritual progress in our own lives, and explore how the practices of Raja Yoga can be the means to "establish God in one's heart."

Saturday, July 19, 10:00am - 2:00pm: "Seva Saturday"

Please join us as we make your Center sparkle, deepening its spiritual atmosphere through your service. We have a lots to do, inside and out, and really need your help!

There’s work for all ages (kids, too), and you don’t have to stay for the whole 4 hours. Come when you can, leave as you need to — we’ll be glad to see you, even if it’s for just an hour!

If you plan to work outside, come with garden gloves, old clothes and your favorite garden tools (if you have them) for these jobs. There is also work available inside the Monastery.

If you are here during lunch (noon to 1:00pm), there will be a break for a little time in the Chapel, then you will be served a sandwich or salad from RolyPoly made to your order, along with chips and a beverage.

No need to RSVP! Just show up sometime between 10 and 2 on Saturday, ready to serve your Center!

Sunday, July 20, 11:00am: "How to Know God" through the power of

Patanjali's Raja Yoga (the King's Yoga), with Br. Shankara

"Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature, external
and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy -- by one, or more, or all of these -- and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details."
 — Swami Vivekananda (Swamiji)

When Swamiji said psychic control, he was pointing to the aims and practices of Raja Yoga. These ancient techniques were organized and formalized by Patanjali. On Sunday morning, we will discuss "How to Know God," a translation and commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras by Swami Prabhavananda. (Prabhavananda, a disciple of Swami Brahmananda, founded the Vedanta Society of Southern California in 1931 and headed it until his death on July 4, 1976.) The swami promises that the power of Raja Yoga is yours for the taking.


Sunday, July 20, 4:00pm to 6:00pm: Sacred Song Circle
Please come, if you like to sing or play music that lifts the soul, or if you just like to listen.  No formality — the Circle is not for “performance.”  It’s for the sheer enjoyment of offering music to the Divine, in yourself and in others.  You are also welcome to just come and listen.

Sunday, July 27, 11:00am: Open Forum on Raja Yoga (discussion)
There will be silent meditation in the Chapel from 10:30-11am, as usual. At 11, there will be a few announcements, then we'll begin our discussion. Br. Shankara will serve as facilitator.

Note: After the Forum, devotees and friends may meet in the Monastery from noon to 1:30pm, for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship. Please join us!

Review of Classes offered by the Center

Saturday Morning from 11am-12noon: Swami Vivekananda’s Jnana Yoga
Meets in the Monastery Library — Class is peer-led. Individual class members read from the text, followed by commentary and discussion by the class. Structure is informal, no prerequisites, all are welcome!

Tuesday Evening from 8-9pm: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna — Meets in the Monastery Library — Reading and discussion by class members — Informal, no prerequisites, all are welcome! Class is led by Br. Shankara.

Wednesday Evening — Sekar Chandrasekaran’s class on Bhagavad Gita has concluded; his students finished that text. In order to pursue his own studies, Sekar decided not to start another class right away. The Center is deeply grateful for Sekar’s efforts to help us understand and practice Sanatana Dharma. When we are ready to launch a Wednesday evening class, perhaps after the August summer break, that will be announced on and in our E-Newsletter. — Your programming team.

Thursday Evening from 7:45-9:00pm: Class is currently about 3/4 of the way through Vivekachoodamani, by Adi Shankaracharya — Meets in the Chapel — Reading and discussion — Informal, no prerequisites, all are welcome! Class is led by Dr. Raghu Grandige, of the Chinmaya Mission Atlanta.

Our New Retreat & Visitors Residence.


You may be pleased to hear our good news: By early this fall, when you come to Atlanta you can stay here with us. “You” means individuals (women and men), couples, families, and groups of up to eight retreatants.

Work on the Vedanta Center of Atlanta’s new Retreat & Visitors Residence has begun. Thankfully, devotees and friends of the Center already have donated or pledged $77,000 of the $120,000 that it will take to complete and furnish the Residence.

The arithmetic of raising the remaining $43,000 may be quite simple:
This appeal is being e-mailed to over 700 individuals and families.
If just 1 in 7 of you offers a few hundred dollars each, that could raise close to $35,000.
And if another 100 or so of you can afford to send $50-100, that would add about $7,500 — and voila, we’re within shouting distance of our fundraising goal!
Only 200 more supporters could be all we need — perhaps you’ll find yourself in that number! As you can see from the directness of this appeal, there is a deep commitment to this project.

It seems to be a natural next step in the growth of the Atlanta Center. Swamis Bhashyananda and Swahananda helped Swami Yogeshananda start and sustain this place. All three swamis made it clear that, when traveling, our devotees should stay at a facility maintained by Vedanta monks or nuns, whenever possible.

Starting in early September, we will be that place for the Deep South. Come see us! We look forward to hearing from you about a possible visit, whether or not you can enclose a check. If you do contribute, you may be sure that every dime of what you send will go toward making our new Retreat & Visitors Residence a comfortable and spiritually uplifting place to stay when you come to Atlanta. — Br. Shankara

P.S.:  For your convenience, you can donate through Paypal (you don’t have to be member) — just follow the instructions on this page on our website. Or, if you would rather send a check, please mail it to the address below, Attn: Building Fund.

Vedanta Center of Atlanta • 2331 Brockett Road, Tucker GA 30084-4412
770-938-6673 •

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