'Time & Tide wait for none: Engaged Professionalism'
'Time & Tide wait for none: Engaged Professionalism'
Public · Hosted by IPN
Nazeera Dawood is currently the President of Nazeera LLC. Nazeera is the former Chief of Staff for the Office of the Chairman, Fulton County Board of Commissioners. She received her medical doctor degree from Bangalore University in India and master’s degree in public health from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Nazeera worked as a research project manager at Emory University for over 5 years and was recognized as the 2010-2011 ‘We are Emory, 100 Community Builders’. She is currently the president for the South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA), an adjunct professor at Morehouse School of Medicine and is the founder of the Health Promotion Action Coalition organization. She has previously served on the Fulton County Schools Health Advisory Board.
Oct 1, 2014 was proclaimed as ‘Dr. Nazeera Dawood Appreciation Day’ sponsored by Fulton Board of Commissioners. She is a Johns Creek resident and a graduate of Leadership Johns Creek and Johns Creek Community Police Academy.
Nazeera will provide us with an overview of how we can integrate humanity into everyday practice.
#Leadership #Assimilation # Ethics, Advocacy and Societal Engagement, #Enlightened self-interest #Entrepreneurship #Justice #Finance #Healthcare Access, Mental health & Chronic disease Prevention
She will help to identify ways to connect community / public service and advocacy with our professional work. She will discuss the leadership skills as well as the social and individual knowledge that professionals have. She will use personal insights and experiences to lay out a tool kit of specific skills that fully competent professionals must possess.
Walk-ins Welcome
About IPN: Dr. Narsi Narasimhan established highly successful IPN to bring together Information Technology professionals, doctors and other professionals. IPN is very well received not only by Indian community but also by mainstream/non-Indians. IPN facilitates communications, networking and mentoring among the professional members. IPN holds monthly networking meetings featuring a speaker organized by different volunteers/sponsors each month.
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Venue: Ashiana Restaurant, 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd 101, Norcross, Georgia 30071
Tickets: Dinner Cost: $10.00 payable at reception desk
Contact: Rajan Vedak 404-200-6041 rajanvedak@yahoo.com
Ravi R. Ponangi 404-644-7521 ravi@indiatribune.com
Sudhir Agarwal 770-289-0370 Agarwal.sudhir@gmail.com