Sairam Dave Show

Sairam Dave Comedy Show
Another fun-filled evening organized for the benefit of GOKULDHAM Charity and for benefit of your health (Laughter is the best medicine).
Please book your tickets now using the link below as Sairam Dave is not a stranger to us as we enjoyed him during our patotsav and he's internationally renowned entertainer of recent time.
Tickets also available at the front desk and is on First Come, First Serve basis for a limited capacity.
As always, we will feed you with delicious dinner first and then with lots of comedy.
Please circulate this message in your family and friends and make this event a huge success for GOKULDHAM.
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2018
Time: dinner 5:30pm, show 6:30pm
Tickets: SOLD OUT
$20 donation seats SOLD OUT. Few $35 and VIP donation seats left now.
Venue: Gokuldham New Haveli, 2397 Satellite Blvd., Buford, GA 30518. Haveli entrance is on Horizon Parkway
Contact: 404-435-9548