Ramayana Lecture: Ravana

4/19/2018 7:30 PM

Ramayana Lecture: Ravana
Ramayana LectureThursDAY, APRIL 19, 2018, 7:30pm
Ramayana Lecture
Location Emory University, Michael C. Carlos Museum, 
Ackerman Hall, Level Three
Department/Organization Carlos Museum
Membership Link carlos.emory.edu…
More Info / Register carlos.emory.edu…

In the plains of the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh, eight-to-ten feet tall cement images of Ravana, the antagonist of the Ramayana epic tradition, stand at many village and urban neighborhood centers or peripheries. In Ramayana verbal narratives, Ravana dies, but in Chhattisgarh, materially he stands and is, in fact, much more visible than the hero-god Rama. He is honored as a Brahmin, a wise man, and a Gond (tribal) ancestral king. In a lecture titled “The Ramayana Anti-Hero,” Dr. Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger, professor of religion at Emory, discusses the material presence of these Ravana images and the possibility of alternative ideologies, theologies, and identities created by them.

held in conjunction with the exhibition "Tell the Whole Story From Beginning to End:" The Ramayana in Indian Painting, which opens at the Carlos Museum on January 13 and runs through May 18, 2018. Programs are made possible through the generous financial support of the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Teaching and Training Fund.  

Special thanks to Jayantilal K. and Geeta J. Patel & Family, Harshna and Pyush Patel, and Dr. Bill Torres for helping the museum enhance its collection of Indian paintings through gifts and loans. 

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