March With Raksha: Atlanta March for Social Justice and Women

1/21/2017 1:00 PM

March With Raksha: Atlanta March for Social Justice and Women

March With Raksha: Atlanta March for Social Justice and Women
The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world, that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

Date: Saturday, January 21, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm
Venue: Center for Civil and Human Rights, 100 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW, Atlanta GA


Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta is looking forward to the Atlanta March for Social Justice & Women this coming Saturday, Jan 21st at 1pm at the Center for Civil & Human Rights. 
We will be there to show our support and solidarity with other communities of color and marginalized groups around the state.

Please join us as we march together as an AANHPI Contingent! Advancing Justice volunteer Wei Ja will be leading the delegation and will help get us organized. We are meeting at 12:30pm outside of the Childrens Museum of Atlanta at the corner of Baker Street & Centennial Olympic Drive. Parking is limited and we encourage folks to use public transit.

Our meeting location is a short walk from the Peachtree Center MARTA station, which is the stop closest to the march location. We will walk together to the Center from here. See the image for location and meet up time!

Wei will have Advancing Justice signs with him but you are welcome to make your own. (Ex. AAPIs for Social Justice). If you have trouble finding the group, Wei's number is (317)-363-5551. The official flier for the march is attached and you can find more information at

March on!

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About Raksha
Raksha meaning “protection” in several South Asian languages is a Georgia-based nonprofit organization for the South Asian community. Raksha’s mission is to promote a stronger and healthier South Asian community through confidential support services, education, and advocacy. Guided by values of consensus in decision-making, diversity in leadership, and the dignity and worth of every individual, Raksha strives to empower and serve the South Asian community.

March For Raksha

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