IACA Festival of India (FOI)
8/3/2019 10:30 AM

IACA's 23rd Festival of India (FOI)
*Flag March 10:30am
*23rd FOI presents “Fashion Show” inspired by famous Bollywood designer Rohit Verma’s creations!
*TYLA - IACA Public Speaking Contest
Topic: ''Space Cooperation: A Vital New Front for India-U.S. Relations.
What opportunities do you see in this new front?''
Grades: 3rd -12th
Time: 11am to 2 pm
Speech Time: 2min - 5min
Contest Registration: http://www.tylacademy.org/
What opportunities do you see in this new front?''
Grades: 3rd -12th
Time: 11am to 2 pm
Speech Time: 2min - 5min
Contest Registration: http://www.
Madan Padaki: Entrepreneurship in India
Dr. Suvrat Bhargave: talk on A Better Mindset
Murali Kamma: reading from his new book of short stories
Date: Sat Aug 3, 2019
Time: 11am
Venue: Infinite Energy Center, 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, GA 30097
Contact: Chand Akkineni, iacaatl.org