Charis & Raksha present: "Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back"

1/5/2016 6:00 PM

Charis & Raksha present: "Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back"

Charis and Raksha Present: "Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back"
Hosted by Charis Books and More/Charis Circle

Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Time: 6 PM - 9 PM
Venue: Himalayan Spice Restaurant, 2773 Clairmont Rd NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30329
There is no charge to attend but you may order food to support the restaurant who is generously hosting us.

Join Charis and Raksha in welcoming Nicole Burton, the founder of Ad Astra Comix, an independent, Toronto-based company specializing in comics with social justice themes. Nicole will talk about Ad Astra's collaboration with India's Zubaan Books, an independent feminist publishing house based out of New Delhi. Together with the Goethe Institute, Zubaan Books produced Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back! a collection of 14 accounts of lived experience by women in India. Stories cover topics about gender, sexuality, harassment, coming of age, family, sisterhood, race, shadeism, class, and political struggle in a country that many in the West know little about, and understand even less.

Ad Astra Comix, in partnership with Zubaan Books, produced the North American edition of this anthology with the intention of sharing this important project with folks in the US and Canada, and to specifically focus on working with organizations who feel this book offers their membership an opportunity for education and advocacy around women's issues.

Charis will sell copies of Drawing the Line and Raksha will have information and resources for survivors of domestic violence and assault.

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