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Guidelines for Submitting Reports to Around Town

By Khabar Magazine
April 2020
Guidelines for Submitting Reports to Around Town

Thank you for thinking of us in connection with your event!

To submit a report of the event to Around Town (after the event), please
a) Follow the "Guidelines for Writing a Report" below.
b) Include high resolution photos (as attachments to the email, not as part of the document),
and include captions in the document or in the email,
and include the name of the person taking the photos,
c) Submit the report/photos to AroundTown@khabar.com, which goes to both the editor and Khabar's Around Town correspondent.
d) Submit the report/photos as soon as possible, and by the 1​5th of the month (new deadline beginning with the December issue for 2015), for possible inclusion in the next issue. Please note that chances of inclusion are greater if the report is received well in advance of the 10th.
Also to keep reports in the magazine timely, we request that you please send reports and high res photos to AroundTown@Khabar.com within 3-5 days from the event, and no later than a week from it. This also allows us to post your event in timely fashion on our website and Facebook page, even before the next print issue. Reports received more than a week from the event are less likely to be published in our print issue.
d) Khabar's role: Please understand that submission does not guarantee inclusion. Selection is based on several factors, including the volume of reports received for any given issue. The print and digital issues include the same items; however, the website may include more items. Khabar also reserves the right to edit the report for length and other considerations. Occasionally, we may build an event report by including material from other sources as well as your report. If photos are submitted along with your report, we may select any or none, based on space and other considerations. We may choose to use photos supplied to us from other sources for the same event.
e) Caveats: Please understand that you are responsible to ensure you have rights to the report and photos submitted here. Khabar is not liable for payments for the text and photos submitted here, nor is Khabar liable to verify accuracy, or for plagiarism, if any, in the reports sent to us.

Guidelines for Writing Post-Event Reports
1. Write about the What, Where, Who, When, Why, How.

2. No first-person (“I”, “we” etc.) references.

3. Give a well-rounded input: what did patrons, organizers and other experts/official/dignitaries have to say?

4. Present event in best possible light, but don’t make it an advertorial! If there were indeed problems or other drawbacks, do mention them. Readers will appreciate a candid report.

5. Please recognize all the main entities surrounding the event: host/organizer/sponsor/chief guests/speakers etc.

6. Reports can range from 300 to 1000 words (or more, if the event so merits. Example: multi-day conventions etc.). Please note that extensive editing for space, etc., is likely.

7. Reports need to be factual. Subjective comments or opinions of the writer should not be injected. A report can effectively convey strengths or weaknesses of the event through third-party quotes, anecdotal representations, and other such means.

8. Please note that this is a press report, not a feature article that is necessarily credited to any author. However, if we use the report with none or minimal changes, we will be glad to carry an author byline (if the author is not connected to the event as a participant, organizer, or organization officer—if that is the case, we would just put the report with no byline). If a byline is desired, please have the name of the author in the Word draft.

9. Please supply 2 to 5 photos (or more) from the event, in high resolution, as attachments to the email. We usually select about 1 to 2 photos for most events, but more might go onto the website. Please provide captions (in the Word draft) for each photo taken/collected for the report. Also, please mention photo credit at the end of the caption where one is needed.



 Remember, we have new Website Bonus Features that are not in the print magazine. Every time you see the W symbol in the print magazine, you can go to our website to see additional print or audiovisual material!

Submitting your report for consideration in Around Town

Please send post event reports for consideration in the Around Town section to AroundTown@khabar.com. Publication of reports is based on several criteria including the volume of reports submitted for a given issue. Guidelines for writing and submitting reports are available on our website; they may also be requested from us by phone or email. Deadline: 15th of each month for consideration in the following month. However, chances of inclusion are better if reports are received by the 12th or well in advance of the deadline, where possible.

Submitting your news item for consideration in Newsmakers

Please send news items for consideration in the Newsmakers section to CommunityNewsmakers@khabar.com. Publication of news is based on several criteria including the volume of reports submitted for a given issue. We are focusing on local community members with some achievement or award that will be interesting and/or inspiring to our readers.

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