• Ready-Made or Reddy-Made

    Ready-Made or Reddy-Made January 2015 - My father is usually frugal but supports his “old friend” the tailor in India...? In balancing tradition and modernity, we must also balance the inner and outer worlds and values.

  • Ants in My Pantry, Ahimsa in My Heart

    Ants in My Pantry, Ahimsa in My Heart December 2014 - My Appa is the most peace-loving person I know, against violence of any kind—but when he sees ants in the kitchen, he goes on the warpath. Wouldn’t Gandhi say that's a bit hypocritical?

  • Tale of Two Worlds: Urban and Village India

    Tale of Two Worlds: Urban and Village India November 2014 - If mindless consumption is not to become the way of life, then an intelligent path must be forged where India lives in seven hundred thousand “smart villages” rather than in 100 smart cities.

  • Uniforms: Anti-choice or Unifying?

    Uniforms: Anti-choice or  Unifying? October 2014 - My cousin-sister in India actually wears standardized clothing in college. This really blows my mind! College uniforms? Do you agree that uniforms are anti-choice, and thus a bad idea?

  • Swadesh Shanghaied

    Swadesh Shanghaied September 2014 - I know that Gandhiji was trained as an attorney, not as an economist, but what would he think of the fact that practically everything on the shelves of stores in the U.S. is made in China?

  • Time Pass …. Together

    Time Pass …. Together August 2014 - Our family matriarch forbids two items during family reunion: cell phones and playing cards, but my cousins and I sneak off to play a card game called Bluff. What would Gandhi say?

  • Autistic Genius

    Autistic Genius July 2014 - Our seven-year-old can compute fantastic numbers in her head. She’s shy and doodles repetitive patterns, but must we put her in a category and force medicines upon her?

  • Working 9:00 to 5:00

    Working 9:00 to 5:00 June 2014 - The long hours required in graduate school can be horrific, says a PhD candidate. What would Gandhi say about work-life balance?

  • Balancing Dollars, Cents, and Common Sense

    Balancing Dollars, Cents, and Common Sense May 2014 - A teenager who can balance his own checkbook asks why the President, Senate, and Congress can't do the same for the country.

  • Mythical Model Minority

    Mythical Model Minority April 2014 - I am tired of trying to live up to everyone’s unreasonable expectations. I’m just an ordinary kid who will attend junior college. I'm hoping Gandhi said it’s okay not to be superhuman!






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